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Deep-sea fishes (> 200 m) are diverse along the U.S Atlantic margin, but few in situ photos are publicly available for many confirmed identifications. Recent cruises (R/V Atlantis AT41, NOAA Ship Ron Brown RB1903, and NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer EX1806, EX1903L2, EX1907, EX2107) conducted off Delaware to Florida from 2018 to 2021 provided high-resolution images of many species inhabiting cold-water coral reefs, canyons, and cold seeps at depths ranging from 214- 3650 m. Here, we include confirmed identifications of 99 species with several diagnostic characters. This guide can be used to help identify fishes in deep waters of the North Atlantic, particularly off the eastern U.S. seaboard.
fish, biodiversity, deep-sea, distribution, identification
fish, biodiversity, deep-sea, distribution, identification