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torchtime: Time series data sets for PyTorch

Authors: Darke, Philip;

torchtime: Time series data sets for PyTorch


Changed Processed data are now cached in the .torchtime directory train_split and val_split arguments are renamed train_prop and val_prop respectively Introduced generic torchtime.data_TimeSeriesDataSet class behind the scenes - note training/validation/test data splits have changed for a given seed torchtime.collate.packed_sequence now returns both X and y as a PackedSequence object Expanded unit tests - note coverage is currently limited as PhysioNet2019 tests cannot be run under CI Updated documentation Added impute argument to support missing data imputation using mean and forward imputation methods or a custom imputation function downscale argument to reduce the size of data sets for testing/model development torchtime.data.TensorTimeSeriesDataset class to create a data set from input tensors Fixed Use float32/torch.float and int64/torch.long precision for all data sets Shape of y data in PhysioNet2019 data Bug when adding time delta channels without a missing data mask

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