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The presence of a sizeable CP-violating phase in B_s^0-B_s^0-bar mixing would be an unambiguous signal of physics beyond the Standard Model. We analyse various possibilities to detect such a new phase considering both tagged and untagged decays. The effects of a sizeable width difference Delta Gamma between the B_s mass eigenstates, on which the untagged analyses rely, are included in all formulae. A novel method to find this phase from simple measurements of lifetimes and branching ratios in untagged decays is proposed. This method does not involve two-exponential fits, which require much larger statistics. For the tagged decays, an outstanding role is played by the observables of the time-dependent angular distribution of the B_s -> J/psi [-> l^+ l^-] ��[-> K^+K^-] decay products. We list the formulae needed for the angular analysis in the presence of both a new CP-violating phase and a sizeable Delta Gamma, and propose methods to remove a remaining discrete ambiguity in the new phase. This phase can therefore be determined in an unambiguous way.
minor changes, lattice prediction of Delta Gamma updated, appears in PRD
width: difference, FOS: Physical sciences, bibliography, B/s0: width, High Energy Physics - Phenomenology, High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph), B/s0: decay modes, B/s0: hadronic decay, CP: violation, time dependence, B/s0 anti-B/s0: interference, info:eu-repo/classification/ddc/530, B/s0: branching ratio
width: difference, FOS: Physical sciences, bibliography, B/s0: width, High Energy Physics - Phenomenology, High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph), B/s0: decay modes, B/s0: hadronic decay, CP: violation, time dependence, B/s0 anti-B/s0: interference, info:eu-repo/classification/ddc/530, B/s0: branching ratio
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