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handle: 11104/0298487
The aim of the paper is to present a short overview of basic tendencies in the history of the\n(Old) Church Slavonic Lexicography and to show the role of the Czech lexicographic school within\nthis evolution. The sketch begins already at the end of the 16th century in order to show the roots of\nthe discipline and it illustrates the gradual changes of approaches and targets of the depicted\nlexicographic attempts. The focus of the paper is a description of various lexicographical “schools” active since the 20th century until now. These include mainly the Russian school, which continues the 19th century tradition of Sreznevskiy’s largely conceived „Old Russian approach”, the Czech School, which has had the leading role in the international lexicographic cooperation, and the specific Bulgarian School. Besides further projects, we also provide basic data on the unfinished project of a Romanian Slavonic Dictionary, which, in spite of being inspired by the previous projects, chose an original lexicographic method. The second part of the paper is dedicated to the description of two pioneering works of the digital Old Church Slavonic lexicography that differ in goals and methodology. The first one is Histdict, the follow up of the Bulgarian lexicographic school, and the 2nd one is the Gorazd Project, the continuator of the Czech lexicographic school. As the article was written mainly from the perspective of the Czech lexicographic school, the projects realized in the Czech Lands are described in more details. Despite this fact, the paper tries to put the Czech lexicography school into the context of the (Old) Church Slavonic Lexicography in both its analogue and digital eras.
Romanian Slavonic, Digital Lexicography, Old Church Slavonic Lexicography
Romanian Slavonic, Digital Lexicography, Old Church Slavonic Lexicography
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