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In the context of the preparation for the PLATO mission, it is vital to understand the accuracy expected on asteroseismically-inferred stellar properties. To that end, we performed a hare-and-hounds exercise where the hares simulated data for 6 artificial stars and the hounds inferred their properties based on the data provided and different inference procedures. To mimic a typical pipeline, such as that planed for the PLATO mission, all hounds used the same model grid. Some stars were simulated using the same physics set up as the model grid, others a different one. In this presentation we will show that generally the accuracy on the inferred properties is better than the PLATO requirements. Moreover, we will highlight the impact on the accuracy of the inferred stellar properties from changing different aspects of the physics adopted for the targets, as well as from changing the uncertainties in the classical observations considered in the fit. Interestingly, the results indicate that only a few mode frequencies are required to achieve accurate results on the mass and radius. The same is true for the age, if at least one l=2 mode is detected. (Presenter: Margarida Cunha on behalf of the PSM WP124)
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