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Roll compaction is a unit process in the dry compaction process; a force enhances a mass procedure in which granules are ready with suitable flowability, granulation properties, chemical stability and uniformity especially for heat sensitive and moisture formulations. Throughout the roll compaction process, the active ingredient and excipients of the dry powders, example lubricants, diluents, binders and disintegrants are mixed in the blender. The mixtures of powder are then roller granulated and reduces the size to make granules. The resultant granules are blended with lubricated and compressed into a tablet form. The current work was undertaken to prepare a stable and robust dosage form by optimizing the process parameters of roll- compaction. In roller compaction powder blend is first passed through feeding sector, then densified powder go through compaction sector between two counter rotary rolls and sheets are formed. Granules are passed through a suitable sieve and oversize & undersize granules are separated. New compaction cycle is performed if the suitable ratios of oversize and undersize granules are not achieved. Then these granules are blended and extragarnular substance is blended with previous blend. Blend is then subjected to compression for tablet preparation. Sheets are evaluated for their breaking force by using Universal Force Tester® FMT 310. A sheet piece of 10 x 10 mm was placed in the test plate and the upper stamp was driven down towards the sheet with 10 mm/min of speed and breaking force is measured. The tablets made from roll compacted granules were found to be superior quality and all test revealed that evaluation parameters were under pharmacopoeial limits. With technological advances in drug development, dry granulation by roller compaction is more advantageous than wet granulation process with simple manufacturing process, low operational cost, no use of liquid solvent, large scale production and suitability for heat and moisture sensitive drug. objectives of the review article are to optimize the process parameters (Roll Compaction), optimize the blending parameters, perform the blend uniformity, evaluate the in-process parameters, and perform the dissolution study.
Disintegrants Flowability, Roll- Compaction, Dry Granulation, Process Parameter.
Disintegrants Flowability, Roll- Compaction, Dry Granulation, Process Parameter.
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