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The current document describes a plan for implementing and integrating a personalized approach in the WhoLoDancE project. Within the project, we have created a large data repository, with kinetic material from four different dance genres, which offers a variety of tools and functionalities to different user-groups (students of different level, teacher, choreographer, professional dancer) with diverse needs. In this document, we describe the ontology-based expert system that aims at recommending specific Learning Units, to each user, which fits best her/his profile and needs. ASTE (Adaptive Personalized Storytelling Experiences) is an engine which has been developed by ATHENA RC in previous projects in the context of storytelling for museums. The ASTE will not be used as it is, but it will only provide the theoretical basis for a methodology that can be applied in WhoLoDancE project, while the system will be implemented in the next period to fit the project requirements. The personalized approach considers the conceptual framework, needs analysis and other outcomes of WP1, the semantic representation in WP3 and the results of the first formative evaluations of the tools in WP7.
This deliverable is Confidential, i.e., only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services).
user profiling, education, dance, ontology, personalized learning scenarios
user profiling, education, dance, ontology, personalized learning scenarios
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