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Non-verbal communication plays a crucial role in the teaching and learning of a foreign language, especially in the context of teaching French as a foreign language (FLE). This article explores the importance of non-verbal communication in the FLE classroom, examining its impact on learners' comprehension, expression, motivation and linguistic interaction. Through an analysis of the different aspects of non-verbal communication, this article proposes effective pedagogical strategies to optimize the teaching of French as a foreign language by taking advantage of these essential elements. We address the different dimensions of nonverbal communication such as gestures, facial expressions, posture and eye contact, and analyze how they facilitate language acquisition. In addition, we examine pedagogical strategies that can be implemented to maximize the use of nonverbal communication in the FLE classroom, with a focus on its integration into teaching and learning activities. Finally, this article highlights the importance of educating teachers and learners about non-verbal communication in order to foster an effective and inclusive learning environment. Our modest contribution to the study of this subject aims to show the importance and role of non-verbal communication in the teaching-learning of French as a foreign language, by highlighting the gestural and proxemic communication strategies favored by French teachers. We will then present a review of the study of the role of non-verbal communication in the teaching of French as a foreign language at the National University of Science and Technology Polytechnic Bucharest, at the University Center of Pitesti, Romania and through an evaluation of the results of work carried out in recent years.