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Abstract Introduction: Pain is commonly described as an unpleasant sensory experience linked to or caused by tissue damage. A lack of knowledge on pain management, along with misconceptions about opioid use, are major obstacles to effective pain control. Nursing staff often have insufficient knowledge about pain management, the correct timing for pain assessment, and the potential adverse effects of opioids. The Knowledge and Attitudes Survey Regarding Pain is a useful tool for assessing nurses’ understanding and attitudes regarding pain. This study aimed to translate the questionnaire into Albanian and assess its validity and reliability. Methodology: A cross-sectional study design was used. The questionnaire was translated and cross-culturally adapted following Beaton's guidelines. Statistical analysis was conducted to determine the internal consistency coefficient and overall item correlation. Results: The final version of the Knowledge and Attitudes Survey Regarding Pain was tested on 25 nurses. No further modifications were necessary. Cronbach's alpha was found to be 0.73, and the overall item correlation was 0.32. Conclusions: The Albanian version of the Knowledge and Attitudes Survey Regarding Pain is a valuable instrument for evaluating nurses’ knowledge and attitudes towards pain management. It can help identify knowledge gaps in nursing pain management and guide the development of strategies to address these deficiencies. Keywords: pain, knowledge, attitude, nurse, validation.