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My PhD research aims to examine to what extent the current legal frameworks are able to successfully bring about ecological restoration of peatlands and in what ways they can be strengthened. This legal analysis focuses on the applicability of the existing legal frameworks at the international, European level and national level, the identification of gaps therein, and – ideally – the creation of policy recommendations to remedy those gaps. The added value of this doctoral thesis lies in its analysis of the interaction of the different legal regimes and initiatives. I will look at different policy levels and I will also integrate and consider socio-economic factors in my analysis, ensuring a holistic approach. This poster, presented at the 2024 UGhent Law & Criminology Faculty Research Day, forms an introduction to peatland restoration and illustrates the complex web of interests and stakeholders that are at play in peatland restoration projects. It is evident that peatland restoration intersects with many different legal domains, and, moreover, also often has a cultural dimension that should not be neglected.