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Annotation. The article discusses the methodology for studying the synthesis of transport and logistics systems, adapted to the conditions of the Kyrgyz Republic, which is due to the need to increase the competitiveness of the national economy and fulfill the country's transit potential through the creation of an effective logistics infrastructure. In the context of growing globalization and integration into international supply chains, an effective transport system is becoming a key factor for sustainable economic development. The relevance of the topic is determined by a set of factors, including geographical features, the specifics of the mountainous terrain of Kyrgyzstan and the need to integrate various modes of transport into multimodal transportation. The methodology includes the use of modern theories and concepts from the field of transport logistics, such as modeling of logistics processes and the use of geographic information systems (GIS). The principles of "green" logistics and sustainable development are also considered, which involves minimizing the negative impact on the environment during the transportation and handling of goods. The methodological basis of the study includes the stages of creating an optimal network of logistics centers and transport hubs. This will ensure the concentration of cargo flows and facilitate their efficient processing, which is critical to improving the overall performance of the transport system. An important aspect is the implementation of intelligent transport systems and information technologies, which will allow for the integration of supply chain participants, monitoring of transport flows and optimization of logistics processes. The study uses methods of system analysis and modeling, which allows predicting the effectiveness of the proposed solutions and assessing their impact on the development of the country's transport and logistics system. Particular attention is paid to identifying factors that facilitate or hinder the implementation of proposals, as well as analyzing existing problems and proposing solutions. Thus, successful implementation of the proposed methodology will create a competitive transport and logistics system integrated into global supply chains that meets modern requirements for efficiency and sustainable development. The need for the results of this study is emphasized by the strategic importance of transport for economic growth and the realization of the transit potential of the Kyrgyz Republic.