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The implemented comparative analysis aims to demonstrate the use of the forward-looking socioeconomic research innovative outcomes of the HERON project in buildings and transport. These outcomes incorporate the impact of barriers linked with end-users’ behavior on Energy Efficiency (EE) targets for seven national cases (Bulgaria, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Italy, Serbia and United Kingdom). Results of this analysis and the discussions carried out during the national workshops in the aforementioned countries are used for policy recommendations. The comparative analysis: i) provides commonalities and differences among the seven national cases; ii) shows which are the common advantages in confronting barriers linked with end-users behavior and reaching closer the set national EE target(s) and iii) identifies the framework (economic, social and administrative) that can be implemented at any local, national, regional level (including EU Member States) in reaching their set EE target(s). This analysis is performed in three levels corresponding to the basic elements that were used for the development of the most promising (incorporating end-users barriers) scenario for supporting Energy Efficiency (EE) in each country and for each of the two sectors. These elements are: i) the BAU policy mixture; ii) the mapped and evaluated barriers that are linked with end-users behavior and prevent the accomplishment of EE targets and iii) the proposed policy mixture that minimizes the barriers, promotes mainly a combination of EE technologies and reaches closer the assumed EE target.
Comparative analysis, barriers, energy efficiency
Comparative analysis, barriers, energy efficiency
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