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This research discusses the job satisfaction of honorary employees which is influenced by workload, work ability, and compensation. This research is motivated by changes in honorary employees where many employees leave the office prematurely then clock in and leave again. Many employee complaints about work that is piling up, neglected, and completed not according to the specified schedule. Then the work given is not in accordance with the ability and compensation that changes and does not match the work. This study aims to determine and analyze whether there is a partial influence between workload, work ability, and compensation on job satisfaction of honorary employees of the Bondowoso Regency Environmental Service. The sample size of this study was 74 people. The technique used in this research is Non-Probability Sampling with the help of tools, namely questionnaires and Likert scale reduction. This research data analysis uses multiple linear regression analysis. Based on the results of hypothesis testing using multiple linear regression analysis, it is obtained that the significant value of the workload variable (X1) is 0.145, the work ability variable (X2) is 0.001, and the compensation variable (X3) is 0.190. That is, it can be concluded that workload has no significant effect on job satisfaction, work ability has a significant effect on job satisfaction, and compensation has no significant effect on job satisfaction.