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Cult of Alexander Nevsky on the Hetman State territory as an ideological marker of the Russian expansion in 1710–1720s

Authors: Filipova Hanna;

Cult of Alexander Nevsky on the Hetman State territory as an ideological marker of the Russian expansion in 1710–1720s


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Summary. The purpose of the research is to analyze the mapping of the process of Russian expansion in Hetman Ukraine in 1710–1720s in the formation of the cult of the holy Prince Alexander Nevsky (Alexander Yaroslavich). The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the study of the outlined phenomena and events is an urgent need for modern Ukrainian historical science. The main reason for this updating is the relationship, including genetic, of some processes of the beginning of the XVIII c. and those that are happening today. Understanding the way of formulating the origins of Russian imperial propaganda, the main provisions of which were formed during the reign of Peter I, allows for a more thoughtful look at the Ukrainian-Russian confrontation not only in the military and economic, but also in the ideological field. The main conclusions of the study is finding the relationship between the origins of the official veneration of Alexander Nevsky and the aggressive foreign policy of the Moscow kingdom towards transforming it into the Russian empire during the first twenty years of the XVIII c., as well as reflecting this process on the realities of Hetman State. An analytical review of the main aspects of the realization of the cult of Alexander Nevsky in the cultural, religious, political life of Russia during the reign of Peter I and the formation of imperial autocracy was carried out. A direct relationship has been derived between the spread of the cult (the emergence of appropriate temple ordinations in Starodub regiment) and the administrative and economic activities on the lands of the northern Hetman State of Prince Alexander Menshikov, whose patron saint was Alexander Nevsky.

Related Organizations

Alexandropol, Starodub regiment, Russian Empire, Alexander Nevsky, Peter I, Hetman State, Pochep, Moscow Kingdom, Alexander Menshikov

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