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The vision expressed by LIBER in its strategy plan is that Open Access will be the predominant form of publishing in 2022. To achieve this goal, there are a number of obstacles to overcome with an important role for research libraries. In a qualitative study consisting of interviews with 33 authors of Gold Open Access articles, factors that are driving or inhibiting authors to publish OA and factors that form obstacles or irritants for authors have been identified. This has led to the identification of three categories of authors’ attitudes: • OA supporters, who have explicit reasons to prefer Gold OA publishing. • OA opportunists, who will only use external funds, when available, to pay for article publication charges (APCs), because they like the additional exposure allowed by OA. • OA apathetes, who will comply with OA mandates but have no personal interest in it. In another, quantitative study, the author’s perspective on the financial and administrative issues around article publication costs for open access were studied in six European universities. The combined results of these two studies make it possible to identify the relevancy and efficacy of various services and activities of research libraries in this area. In the presentation at the LIBER conference, the relevance and efficacy of library actions and services, such as membership deals with OA journal publishers or offsetting deals with hybrid journal publishers will be discussed in the light of the three groups of authors.