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Policy Briefing #8 (v4) reflects the revised text of the EU Regulation for a Carbon Removals Certification Framework (CRCF). It a) summarises current estimates of the carbon sequestration potential of agroforestry in Europe, b) provides a timeline and references for studies of carbon farming in the EU; c) considers how the specific monitoring requirements of the CRCF can be met by agroforestry projects; d) suggests that the data needed for the certification of carbon farming could be shared on a local, regional and national scale and e) outlines overlaps with other key European policies and initiatives. EURAF suggests that new agroforestry systems on mineral soils with sparse tree cover have the greatest potential to capture carbon, while maintaining agricultural production and contributing environmental benefits. A programme of 750.000 ha agroforestry planting per annum on cropland and grassland in the EU-27 (i.e. 11.2 million ha by 2040) would ensure at least 10% tree-crown-cover on this type of land in all NUTS3 areas ("counties"). This land would remain in agricultural use and would contribute 56 Mt CO2e per year from the tree and soil component - assuming an average yield of 1.35 t C/ha/yr, or 5 t CO2/ha/yr. Integration of CAP Pillar I and Pillar II support with longer-term funding from voluntary or statutory carbon-farming schemes will be key to successfully establishing this area.