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handle: 2117/123596
In the evolution of telecommunication industry towards 5G, Ethernet Passive Optical Networks (EPON) technology, with some unique features such as high capacity, low latency, and minimum cost per bit, positions itself as an interesting option for backhauling solution in the Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) scenarios. It is expected to see the converged optical-radio nodes play a crucial role in future networks. To maximize the benefits of the 5G EPON networks, besides all other challenges, it is essential to address two main issues, namely softwarization and energy efficiency. To this end, in this paper, initially we introduce a framework to have an open control layer based on SDN (Software-Defined Networks), able to prepare the EPON backhaul to deal with the 5G applications and services. Then we introduce a solution that minimizes the energy consumption of EPON networks without imposing additional packet delay
Àrees temàtiques de la UPC::Enginyeria de la telecomunicació::Telemàtica i xarxes d'ordinadors, Ethernet Passive Optical Network (EPON), Software-defined networking (Computer network technology), Software Defined Networking (SDN), Xarxes definides per programari (Tecnologia de xarxes d'ordinadors), OpenFlow protocol, :Enginyeria de la telecomunicació::Telemàtica i xarxes d'ordinadors [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC], Software Defined Networking (SDN), Passive Optical Network (PON), Ethernet Passive Optical Network (EPON), OpenFlow protocol, 5G Network, Energy Saving., 5G network, Passive Optical Network (PON), Xarxes òptiques passives, Passive optical networks, energy saving.
Àrees temàtiques de la UPC::Enginyeria de la telecomunicació::Telemàtica i xarxes d'ordinadors, Ethernet Passive Optical Network (EPON), Software-defined networking (Computer network technology), Software Defined Networking (SDN), Xarxes definides per programari (Tecnologia de xarxes d'ordinadors), OpenFlow protocol, :Enginyeria de la telecomunicació::Telemàtica i xarxes d'ordinadors [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC], Software Defined Networking (SDN), Passive Optical Network (PON), Ethernet Passive Optical Network (EPON), OpenFlow protocol, 5G Network, Energy Saving., 5G network, Passive Optical Network (PON), Xarxes òptiques passives, Passive optical networks, energy saving.
citations This is an alternative to the "Influence" indicator, which also reflects the overall/total impact of an article in the research community at large, based on the underlying citation network (diachronically). | 4 | |
popularity This indicator reflects the "current" impact/attention (the "hype") of an article in the research community at large, based on the underlying citation network. | Average | |
influence This indicator reflects the overall/total impact of an article in the research community at large, based on the underlying citation network (diachronically). | Average | |
impulse This indicator reflects the initial momentum of an article directly after its publication, based on the underlying citation network. | Average |