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Improving the quality of digital health care through information and communication technology can mainly contribute to the clinical, social, fnancial, and economic systems’ success, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic period. The co-design approach, which unleashes the end-user power, can contribute actively in improving the healthcare systems. It deals with understanding the user behaviors, requirements, and motivations through observation, inspection, task analysis, and feedback techniques. Consequently, both the co-design and digital technologies might empower the management of patients’ health and that of their families. The research strategy is based on a systematic literature review and meta-analysis to summarize how the co-design methodologies handled the existing technology-based health systems for their improvement. Based on the findings, we establish the following hypotheses: (i) A user-centered methodology for service implementation might offer a promising tool to enhance the healthcare services quality before they be launched; (ii) Several limitations can affect the co-design approach in digital health, such as a bias for a patients’ group. Efforts have been made to reduce this risk by identifying bias at an early stage, or different groups should be included in the test phase for example; (iii) Use decision-making devices that handle technologies for patient and clinical healthcare solution