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hiv man manipulated coronavirus genome evolution trends

Authors: Jean claude Perez; Luc Montagnier;

hiv man manipulated coronavirus genome evolution trends


HIV MAN-MANIPULATED CORONAVIRUS EVOLUTION TRENDS ########### ABSTRACT. ######## Summary of the work of Perez/Montagnier on COVID_19 origin based on its published RNA sequences 1) HIV/SIV sequences (>or=18 nucleotides, ie. 6 amino acids) particularly localized in a small region of the coronavirus genome coding for its capacity to infect human cells. 2) This region is more mutable than the remaining genome. a) In patients reinfected a second time new variant appearing. b) In a group of USA Washington State patients, important deletions of this region have been observed. CONCLUSIONS: This region has been “manipulated” by Humans. We can expect a faster genetic Evolution of the virus towards less pathogenic strains lacking this HUMAN-MADE region. ######### UPDATE REINFECTIONS and "EIEs" (Exogenous Informative Éléments): #################### In this New research WE show that main Spike amino acids mutations between 2 consécutive infections in thé same patient are ALL located in EIE areas. A short update on reinfections which IS NOT in our first main article: In Links https://www-sciencealert-com.cdn.ampproject.org/c/s/www.sciencealert.com/more-covid-19-reinfections-are-being-reported-but-here-s-why-that-s-not-a-bad-thing/amp And https://link.medium.com/6r3ObQL5k9 Are reported four (4) amino acids mutations différenciation SPIKE gene between first and second COVID_19 infections: L18F. A222V. D614G. Q780E #################### Then WE demonstrate that ALL FOUR MUTATIONS are locateed within (or <10 bases) an EIE. L18F. is located in our reported 225 bases region, common to COVID19 and bat RaTG13 which contains 4 EIEs (HIV1 Kenya, cape Verde etc...). A222V IS in a long 36bases EIE from INFLUENZA (30/36 bases 83%homology). D614G. IS located in an HIV EIE. (Please read our comments in http://realpolitikasia.blogspot.com/2020/08/dr-paul-tambyah-senior-consultant-nus.html?m=1 and &12 page 39 in our article ). Q780E Is within the long 42 bases Plasmodium YOELII EIE (&12 page 35 to 38 in our article). ################### ###### ARTICLE summary ###### COVID-19, SARS AND BATS CORONAVIRUSES GENOMES PECULIAR HOMOLOGOUS RNA SEQUENCES Jean claude Perez; Luc Montagnier 1) 18 RNA fragments of homology equal or more than 80% with human or simian retroviruses have been found in the COVID_19 genome. 2) These fragments are 18 to 30 nucleotides long and therefore have the potential to modify the gene expression of Covid19. We have named them external Informative Elements or EIE. 3) These EIE are not dispersed randomly, but are concentrated in a small part of the COVID_19 genome. 4) Among this part, a 225-nucleotide long region is unique to COVID_19 and Bat RaTG13 and can discriminate and formally distinguish these 2 genomes. 5) In the decreasing slope of the epidemic, this 225 bases area and the 1770 bases Spike region, exhibits an abnormally high rate of mutations/deletions (cases of 44 patients from WA Seattle state, original epicenter in USA). 6) In the comparative analysis of both SPIKES genes of COVID_19 and Bat RaTG13, we note two abnormal facts: • The insertion of 4 contiguous PRRA amino acids in the middle of SPIKE (then we show that this site was already an optimal cleavage site BEFORE this insertion). • An abnormal ratio of synonymous codons / non synonymous codons in the second half of SPIKE. Finally we show the insertion in this 1770 bases SPIKE region of a significant EIE from Plasmodium Yoelii and of a possible HIV1 EIE with a crucial Spike mutation. Through the 14 facts relating to each of the 14 paragraphs of this article, everything converges towards possible laboratory manipulations (End Note below) which contributed to modifications of the genome of COVID_19, but also, very probably much older SARS, with perhaps this double objective of vaccine design and of "gain of function" in terms of penetration of this virus into the cell. This analysis, made in silico, is dedicated to the real authors of Coronavirus COVID_19. It belongs only to them to describe their own experiments and why it turned into a world disaster: 650 000 lives (on 26 July 2020), more than those taken by the two atomic bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. We, the survivors, should take lessons from this serious alert for the future of humanity. We urge our colleagues scientists and medical doctors to respect ethical rules as expressed by Hipocrates oath: do not harm, never and never ! ############# End Note: Why could COVID-19 come from Laboratory manipulations? The following 4 proofs concern differences with respect to SARS either common to COVID-19 and bat RaTG13, or facts radically differentiating these 2 sequences of which it is claimed that the first (COVID-19) comes from a natural evolution of the second (bat RaTG13). We have ranked these 4 proofs in ascending order of importance according to our point of view. 1) Four EIE formally distinguishes COVID-19 and bat RaTG13 genomes from all other SARS or bats genomes. However, their level of HIV/SIV homologies appears much more affirmed for COVID-19 than for bat RaTG13, as if these EIE fragments had recently been “re-injected” into the COVID-19 genome. ==> see & 7, (figures 4 and 5). 2) natural deletions (USA WA Seattle state) apply in priority to EIE inserts (HIV Kenya etc ..). ==> see full Part III and Figure 12 in §13. 3) Synonymous codons mutations within the 1770 bases region of the Spike, which simulate a natural evolution of bat RaTG13 towards COVID-19 while maintaining the optimality obtained in amino acid values, probably from “gain of function” Laboratory experiments (optimality common to both RNA sequences COVID-19 and bat RaTG13) ==> see Figure 10 in & 11 and Figure 11 in §12. 4) “PRRA” amino acids was inserted exactly on the Spike location already theoretically optimal on both COVID-19 and RATG13 (of which it constitutes the main difference). ==> see Figure 13 in & 14. Article Citation: Perez, J. C. Montagnier, L.. (2020). COVID-19, SARS AND BATS CORONAVIRUSES GENOMES PECULIAR HOMOLOGOUS RNA SEQUENCES. International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, 8(7), 217-263. https://zenodo.org/record/3975589

Article Citation: Perez, J. C. Montagnier, L.. (2020). COVID-19, SARS AND BATS CORONAVIRUSES GENOMES PECULIAR HOMOLOGOUS RNA SEQUENCES. International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, 8(7), 217-263. https://doi.org/10.29121/granthaalayah.v8.i7.2020.678


COVID-19;Bats Coronaviruses; RNA Sequences; SARS; HIV; Plasmodium yoelii Spike; Genomics; Bioinformatics; Biomathematics.

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