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Abstract Research Objects have the potential to significantly enhance the reproducibility of scientific research. One important way Research Objects can do this is by encapsulating the means for re-executing the computational components of studies, thus supporting the new form of reproducibility enabled by digital computing---exact repeatability. However, Research Objects also can make scientific research more reproducible by supporting transparency, a component of reproducibility orthogonal to re-executability. We describe here our vision for making Research Objects more transparent by providing means for disambiguating claims about reproducibility generally, and computational repeatability specifically. We show how support for science-oriented queries can enable researchers to assess the reproducibility of Research Objects and the individual methods and results they encapsulate.
Final preprint submitted to RO2019 workshop at IEEE eScience Conference 2019
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citations This is an alternative to the "Influence" indicator, which also reflects the overall/total impact of an article in the research community at large, based on the underlying citation network (diachronically). | 0 | |
popularity This indicator reflects the "current" impact/attention (the "hype") of an article in the research community at large, based on the underlying citation network. | Average | |
influence This indicator reflects the overall/total impact of an article in the research community at large, based on the underlying citation network (diachronically). | Average | |
impulse This indicator reflects the initial momentum of an article directly after its publication, based on the underlying citation network. | Average |