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The surface-to air transfer of water, CO2 and other gases is an important piece in the puzzle of climate change on all planets with atmospheres. The transfer of any other particles, e.g. dust grains from the ground into the atmosphere is of similar importance. Meteorology sees the surface at which this interchange happens as flat and solid, while in reality there is a persistent exchange of mass and energy between the porous, granular ground and the atmospheres of planets. This project looks at a boundary that is in fact blurred and fuzzy rather than discrete and flat, and tries to explain how gases like water, CO2 and dust or sand particles behave near that boundary, how temperatures change in the uppermost mm of the soil and what happens when liquids, gases and solids traverse the boundary of air and surface.
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The surface-to air transfer of water, CO2 and other gases is an important piece in the puzzle of climate change on all planets with atmospheres. The transfer of any other particles, e.g. dust grains from the ground into the atmosphere is of similar importance. Meteorology sees the surface at which this interchange happens as flat and solid, while in reality there is a persistent exchange of mass and energy between the porous, granular ground and the atmospheres of planets. This project looks at a boundary that is in fact blurred and fuzzy rather than discrete and flat, and tries to explain how gases like water, CO2 and dust or sand particles behave near that boundary, how temperatures change in the uppermost mm of the soil and what happens when liquids, gases and solids traverse the boundary of air and surface.
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