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2D Materials for Next Generation Healthcare Technologies (2D-Health)

Funder: UK Research and InnovationProject code: EP/P00119X/1
Funded under: EPSRC Funder Contribution: 5,327,900 GBP

2D Materials for Next Generation Healthcare Technologies (2D-Health)


This Programme Grant capitalise on the world-leading expertise and research infrastructure on graphene and 2D materials available at the University of Manchester (UoM) to develop future therapies and generate innovative healthcare technology platforms by ascertaining UK leadership in biotech and pharmaceutical development. There is an increasing need to develop new innovative technologies for healthcare, digital services and other innovation with the vision to deliver health services in more efficient ways and with benefits to patients and taxpayers. The National Health Services (NHS) is under increasing financial pressure in recent years, mainly due to population growth and an increased demand on NHS services. In addition to that, a growing ageing population associated with increased prevalence of pathologies such as cardiovascular disease, dementias, cancer and diabetes significantly add to the cost of care in the NHS. Innovative solutions for development of future therapies that could respond to such unmet clinical needs, reduce the cost burden on the NHS and provide a more effective, safer and patient-centred care is highly needed now. 2D materials are one atom thick materials. The family of these flat crystals is very large and includes transition metal dichalcogenides, hexagonal boron nitride, and graphene among many others. Altogether, they cover a large range of properties (from conductive to insulating, from transparent to opaque, from mechanically stiff to compliant) that can be exploited for the creation of new devices and technologies with a wide range of applications. Various innovative G2D based materials and technologies have been pioneered at the University of Manchester such as the super-hydrophilic graphene oxide based membranes, 2D material water based inks for printable electronics, and graphene based printed technology for wireless wearable communication applications. These newly developed materials and technologies have great potential for use in biomedicine can be exploited for the design and engineering of novel healthcare technologies towards solutions or improvements of unmet clinical needs. In the 2D-Health research programme, we formed a team of internationally renowned and highly esteemed multi-disciplinary researchers and some of the world-leaders in G2D research in order to utilise selected unique properties offered by G2D materials and technologies and to develop innovative solutions for specific unmet clinical needs in wound care and management (relevant to diabetes); tissue rehabilitation by electrical stimulation (relevant to dementia); cell therapeutics (relevant to cardiovascular disease); and immunotherapeutics (relevant to cancer). This programme directly aligns to the EPSRC Healthcare Technologies priorities by aiming to develop future therapies in specific applications of unmet clinical need and draws on several cross-cutting capabilities: a) custom-design G2D materials into advanced materials under specifications aimed at a precise industry-driven use, exploring different chemical modification strategies; b) development of novel imaging and sensing technologies for tracking and monitoring therapeutic intervention; and c) develop G2D-based technologies through the preclinical stage for each of the application areas using relevant cellular and animal models. Strong partnership with industrial partners for rapid clinical translation and in collaboration with ethicists and regulators aims to ensure responsible and societally-acceptable innovations.

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