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„Digital skills for future Supply Chain Management 4.0 (DIGSCM 4.0)“

Funder: European CommissionProject code: 2020-1-EE01-KA203-077939
Funded under: ERASMUS+ | Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices | Strategic Partnerships for higher education Funder Contribution: 135,484 EUR
Open Access mandate
Publications: NoResearch data: No

„Digital skills for future Supply Chain Management 4.0 (DIGSCM 4.0)“


Context/BackgroundThe fast development of digitalisation, Industry 4.0 tools and working practices have had a significant impact on the performance of Supply Chain in recent years, and this will continue in thefuture. Digitalization has the potential to support contact-free operations in HEI-s and business companies, which have crucial importance under restrictions caused by COVID-19 or climate change conditions.ObjectivesTo benefit, it is vital to improving the curricula and in-service training process of Supply Chain towards digitalisation. The education of new graduates will give themthe readiness to work in a digitally supported operational environment for all fields of Supply Chains.The project also develops remote international teaching and learning environment, piloted in partner HEI-s.Number and Profile of Participants:TTK University of Applied Science - TTKVytautas Magnus University - VMUREZEKNES TEHNOLOGIJU AKADEMIJA - RTATTK will cover procurement, RTA manufacturing and VMU logistics sector competencies. IO 1 Activities. Research design and methodology, interview questions and instructions, will be prepared by VMU. Each partner will execute literature analysis as well as interviews by preparing national reports of findings.Each university will collect at least 20 interviewees from at least 15 enterprises. The interviewees include managers, human resource managers, engineers and technicians, skilled workers. Thequestions of interviews are grouped around 3 main topics: 1) implications of the advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) for the technological, ergonomic, organisational and ethical changes of the work processes;2) implications of the work process changes brought by the 4IR for the competence needs; 3) possibilities of competence development in the enterprises, VET and higher education establishments in the conditions of the 4IR. IO 2 Activities. To realise the over whole structure and complexity of Supply Chain DSCM 4.0 module will be supported by AS-IS Business Processes Templates (BPT). Partner HEIs will develop BPT accordingly to the specific needs of organisations: To demonstrate processes digitalisation by applying 4IR tools partner universities teachers and students will develop TO-BE BPT. Partner universities will develop the practical case study materials by using common Enterprise Resource Planning systems (ERP), simulation and analysis tools during formal learning. For example, the materials procured by TTK students will be available in common ERP systems as components for RTA students. The materials and finished items will be delivered through ERP orders by VMU.IO3 ActivitiesEach university is responsible for the development of two introductory-level courses 3ECTS and three advanced level courses, supported by TO-BE business processes. Partners will jointly develop fifteen 3ECTS e-courses of DSCM 4.0 module with expectations of the labour market in the context of full digitalisation of management and operating supply Chains. Each course will have lecturers from each partner university and will be integrated into existing curriculums. National versions for partner countries will be developed by partner universities.MethodologyAnalysis of the implications of the 4IR for the work processes of retail trade, logistics and manufacturing consist of 2 main stages. In the first stage, there will be analysed existingliterature, research reports and strategic documents containing information about the implications of the 4IR for the different work processes in the above-mentioned sectors. In thesecond stage, there will be executed qualitative research by interviewing representatives of the enterprises working in the fields of retail trade, logistics and manufacturingIt is planned to use the 4+1 levels to describe the BPT:L0 - Supply Chain map;L1 - the main processes of the supply chain, ex. Procurement, Manufacturing, Sales, Logistics etc.L2 - the phases of the main processes. For example. Product design, Production planning, Manufacturing, Quality control, etc.L3 - the main activities that are performed in each process phase. For example, Preparation of Demand, Master Production Scheduling, Material Requirement Planning activities.L4 - the tasks and how they are supported. For example, the collection of data for demand calculation.ResultsCompetence matrices for the selected work processes of procurement, logistics and manufacturing discussed and updated by all partners. Structural descriptions of the changing competence needs in the analysed work processes.AS-IS and TO-BE BPT developed accordingly to the specific needs of procurement, manufacturing and logistics organisations.DSCM 4.0 module longer-term benefits. Attracts international studentsEnhance collaboration between companies and partner universitiesProvides basement for joined International curriculumTeachers provide Online international in-service training

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