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Funder: European CommissionProject code: 2019-3-TR01-KA205-079609
Funded under: ERASMUS+ | Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices | Strategic Partnerships for youth Funder Contribution: 114,325 EUR
Open Access mandate
Publications: NoResearch data: No



Drug abuse is a major social problem in Turkey and in the world. The most common and the most commonly produced illicit drug among all drugs is cannabis. In general, cannabis is not considered as much as other narcotics and is even regarded as harmless due to its vegetative nature. However, contrary to the general belief, cannabis use can lead to tolerance development and dependence after a certain period of time. Also, some research (Timberlake, 2009; NIDA, 2017) emphasizes that cannabis is a gateway to other drug substances in transit. Therefore, cannabis has an important relationship with other narcotic substances.In literature, many types of research show that many social, economic and political precautions need to be taken to solve the problem of using cannabis, which is seen as a transition to other drugs. The vast majority of users have started using cannabis in adolescence. Therefore, from adolescence, there should be studies informing about cannabis and especially the negative effects of it in schools and various institutions. This project aims to raise awareness of young people and reduce drug use for prevention of drug abuse. The focus of this project is young people between the ages of 15-18. The project has two stages: Firstly, it is planning to save addict teenagers and secondly protect non-addict teenagers from the drug market. For this reasons, there will workshops, online training module and cirriculum for educators and parents. Also there will be online training website so young people can take online open access courses for drug prevention and creating awareness on addiction. As Harran University is the coordinator of the project we have partners of Opole University from Poland, Oslo University from Norway, Istanbul University (Yeşilay Bağımlılık Merkezi) and Kastamonu University from Turkey as research/ scientific knowledge, Kaledar tech. companyas a social enterprise with its technological expertise for online software and movie and policy application institutes and ADJ from Portugal as an NGO. For this purpose, we will have meetings with our partners to build a module and organize several activities. As a resource, we will use the tools produced by SALTO-Net and we will then build our own tools. Also, another outcome of the project will be a short movie which will attract the attention of young people. There will also be intellectual outputs of the Project such as some academic articles, workshop, and online training course for young people, educators and parents and also a toolkit for the teachers in the high schools. At the end of this project, we are planning to make awareness and the impact of using cannabis on young people. At the same time, we will help to reduce drug abuse in Turkey in particular and in the world in general. If we are successful to make a module, we would like to share with the other countries to fight drug abuse. These sustainable results of the project will help NGOs, municipalities, and other institution to cope with this problem.

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