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Express project has as general objective empower young migrants and refugees, creating and/or strengthening - where existing - supporting services for the development of self-enterprises by this target population. This goal will be reached also by strengthening the cooperation among all actors involved in the field of work integration of disadvantaged groups. In fact, employment is widely recognized as crucial factor for the integration of migrants into host societies at global level (OECD and European Commission, 2016), but it is still difficult to reach it by first generation migrants and refugees because of 3 main elements: skills, knowledge of specific context and existing networks, access to funding. To reach this general objective the partnership wants to implement an exchange of good practices in order to: 1) develop and reinforce networks, share and confront ideas, practices and methods among different type of organizations that are dealing or willing to approach work integration of young migrants/refugees through self-entrepreneurship; 2) collect all practices covering the entire value chain for self-entrepreneurship: a. competence assessment of young migrants/refugees; b. training on self-entrepreneurship; c. mentoring scheme; d. informative campaign; e. networking activities; f. support to access financing/social financing. 3) spreading knowledge, sharing results to promote project results. The project foresees specific communication and dissemination activities, because these are key elements to allow other organizations to benefit from the project and to activate local (regional/national) networks. Project activities are divided into 3 main steps: - Project Management and Dissemination activity: …..; - Transnational Project Meetings: their purpose is not just to monitor the realisation of project activities, but as opportunity to share knowledge and experience among partners and other stakeholders, since the hosting partner will organise a study visit at selected organisations. For this reason, each TPM has a specific focus, depending on the hosting organisation and his local networks expertise; - LTTA: fundamental to give a space for peer to peer confrontation on the key elements that make this kind of services successful, through an analysis of the work done within the TPM study visits and defining which are the axioms of a common model to be adopted by all partners' countries. Main results expected by the project and its implementation are: - Create a system of work for the future implementation of a wider network among actors in the field of work integration of migrants/refugees to make them work together and produce effective impact for quality employment and to give a contribution in the decrease of young migrants/refugees’ unemployment rates and social exclusion, especially in South European countries; - Increased capacity to work in European contexts and to participate/manage European Union funded project, furthermore create a network of organizations that could work beyond the lifecycle of the project itself; - Collect best practices at EU level in order to elaborate a common model to be experimented and adapted at local level to favor the empowerment of these target groups. At local level it’s important to share common practices drawn-up at EU level by partners, verifying their effective applicability, taking care of local legislation, custom habits, rate of migrants on local population and any other issue. The role of partners and their local network is to promote local and Regional policies to ease the implementation of best practices to adopt desired impacts, i.e. easing mentoring schemes of collaboration between employers and host associations, between financial intermediaries and beneficiaries willing a self-entrepreneurship route, among local associations to promote social insertion. To project, experiment and put on track an innovative model to deal with migrants and refugees will add substantial impact at local/regional level in any partners’ country and, combining similar experiences, the model will contribute to improve European migrants and refugees’ policy. The consortium operating in this project is composed by 8 partners (plus associated partners) and strongly enriched by their diversity, they represent different background and countries, size, type but all joining because of the willingness to support young people in finding their way in work and social life. Project partners have been selected mainly for their expertise and possibility to integrate each other, in fact they work in specific field of the imagined services value chain, in EXPRESS project are represented 2 VET organisations, 2 social enterprises, 1 EU network, 2 development agency, 1 foundation.
Express project has as general objective empower young migrants and refugees, creating and/or strengthening - where existing - supporting services for the development of self-enterprises by this target population. This goal will be reached also by strengthening the cooperation among all actors involved in the field of work integration of disadvantaged groups. In fact, employment is widely recognized as crucial factor for the integration of migrants into host societies at global level (OECD and European Commission, 2016), but it is still difficult to reach it by first generation migrants and refugees because of 3 main elements: skills, knowledge of specific context and existing networks, access to funding. To reach this general objective the partnership wants to implement an exchange of good practices in order to: 1) develop and reinforce networks, share and confront ideas, practices and methods among different type of organizations that are dealing or willing to approach work integration of young migrants/refugees through self-entrepreneurship; 2) collect all practices covering the entire value chain for self-entrepreneurship: a. competence assessment of young migrants/refugees; b. training on self-entrepreneurship; c. mentoring scheme; d. informative campaign; e. networking activities; f. support to access financing/social financing. 3) spreading knowledge, sharing results to promote project results. The project foresees specific communication and dissemination activities, because these are key elements to allow other organizations to benefit from the project and to activate local (regional/national) networks. Project activities are divided into 3 main steps: - Project Management and Dissemination activity: …..; - Transnational Project Meetings: their purpose is not just to monitor the realisation of project activities, but as opportunity to share knowledge and experience among partners and other stakeholders, since the hosting partner will organise a study visit at selected organisations. For this reason, each TPM has a specific focus, depending on the hosting organisation and his local networks expertise; - LTTA: fundamental to give a space for peer to peer confrontation on the key elements that make this kind of services successful, through an analysis of the work done within the TPM study visits and defining which are the axioms of a common model to be adopted by all partners' countries. Main results expected by the project and its implementation are: - Create a system of work for the future implementation of a wider network among actors in the field of work integration of migrants/refugees to make them work together and produce effective impact for quality employment and to give a contribution in the decrease of young migrants/refugees’ unemployment rates and social exclusion, especially in South European countries; - Increased capacity to work in European contexts and to participate/manage European Union funded project, furthermore create a network of organizations that could work beyond the lifecycle of the project itself; - Collect best practices at EU level in order to elaborate a common model to be experimented and adapted at local level to favor the empowerment of these target groups. At local level it’s important to share common practices drawn-up at EU level by partners, verifying their effective applicability, taking care of local legislation, custom habits, rate of migrants on local population and any other issue. The role of partners and their local network is to promote local and Regional policies to ease the implementation of best practices to adopt desired impacts, i.e. easing mentoring schemes of collaboration between employers and host associations, between financial intermediaries and beneficiaries willing a self-entrepreneurship route, among local associations to promote social insertion. To project, experiment and put on track an innovative model to deal with migrants and refugees will add substantial impact at local/regional level in any partners’ country and, combining similar experiences, the model will contribute to improve European migrants and refugees’ policy. The consortium operating in this project is composed by 8 partners (plus associated partners) and strongly enriched by their diversity, they represent different background and countries, size, type but all joining because of the willingness to support young people in finding their way in work and social life. Project partners have been selected mainly for their expertise and possibility to integrate each other, in fact they work in specific field of the imagined services value chain, in EXPRESS project are represented 2 VET organisations, 2 social enterprises, 1 EU network, 2 development agency, 1 foundation.
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