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Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, in summer semester of the academic year 2019/2020, the online teaching on a massive scale had to be implemented. However, research carried out inside universities showed that while most teachers have quickly dealt with technical skills of working with Internet tools, the problem was the lack of knowledge about the online classes methodology. The literal transfer of academic classes to a virtual network resulted with significantly less students activity than during traditional meetings. For this reason this proposal has been prepared. We assume that it will have a significant impact on the quality of teaching in our universities, as well as in other universities of the Transform4Europe Alliance and universities of our regions. The expected result of the project is to form graduates who - taught to be active and take initiative during classes - will become active knowledge entrepreneurs in their universities environments. The main goal of the Project is activisation of students in on-line educational context. The innovative combination of didactic methods, opened for new didactic tools, intended for implementation in on-line learning systems is proposed. This package was called “flipped classroom based e-methodology”. The outcomes of the project are projected to help academic teachers in their on-line classes, giving them methods, tools and – what is the most important – the opportunity to improve their qualifications and build a new standard of teaching. Our e-methodology will help them to activate students from several academic centers in online teaching. The results of the project will also be presented to teachers working at lower levels of education. They also had to learn how to work online and often asked for help the university staff. Methods developed in the project will be also applicable in primary and secondary schools.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, in summer semester of the academic year 2019/2020, the online teaching on a massive scale had to be implemented. However, research carried out inside universities showed that while most teachers have quickly dealt with technical skills of working with Internet tools, the problem was the lack of knowledge about the online classes methodology. The literal transfer of academic classes to a virtual network resulted with significantly less students activity than during traditional meetings. For this reason this proposal has been prepared. We assume that it will have a significant impact on the quality of teaching in our universities, as well as in other universities of the Transform4Europe Alliance and universities of our regions. The expected result of the project is to form graduates who - taught to be active and take initiative during classes - will become active knowledge entrepreneurs in their universities environments. The main goal of the Project is activisation of students in on-line educational context. The innovative combination of didactic methods, opened for new didactic tools, intended for implementation in on-line learning systems is proposed. This package was called “flipped classroom based e-methodology”. The outcomes of the project are projected to help academic teachers in their on-line classes, giving them methods, tools and – what is the most important – the opportunity to improve their qualifications and build a new standard of teaching. Our e-methodology will help them to activate students from several academic centers in online teaching. The results of the project will also be presented to teachers working at lower levels of education. They also had to learn how to work online and often asked for help the university staff. Methods developed in the project will be also applicable in primary and secondary schools.
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