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One of the issues Europe is challenging in school education is high youth unemployment and migration leaving secondary education and not entering higher education after reaching the age of majority. Based on findings in latest researches the East European countries have faced huge migration levels due to the weak acknowledgments of clear vision for possible future career and guided career counseling in the last classes before school graduation. This causes migration to west European countries were the vision is less complicated, in most cases well paid but less recognizable in society (simple jobs). This limits development of local Economies of three Baltic countries.Therefore the project aims to: develop and implement innovative practices in Career Education at Schools for better motivation for Career developments in local/regional economies; promote Career Guidance competence of school teachers and Career Counselors based on interdisciplinarity among Design, Technology and Economics; facilitate motivated and targeted Career choices for learners in selected fields for targeted focus on the subjects and courses in School and selection of future Vocational Education or Higher Education Institutions. The innovative character of the project is its interdisciplinary approach allowing school children to introduce themselves to sectors of local economy industries trough inspiration of the Design industry, simultaneously presenting the complex world of technologies and engineering beside the facts of Business Economics in the form of costs and margins along of human recourses involved in the process, their professionalism levels and hourly or monthly rates they get paid in average. The last findings are of high importance to youngsters since the desired level and status of profession requires certain higher education and this leads to the necessary courses and subjects to be well acquired during the secondary education. In this way project will bring motivation to school children for better education and selection of home country universities based on the clear vision and findings of future career possibilities in home country. For these reasons Project foresees particulatization of the needs and gaps in main industries covered by the Project (Ferstry and Wood; Metal and Machinery; Agriculture and Food) in the preparation of survey of main stakeholders to respond on latest needs and gaps in Labor market; development of New in-service Study Course based on interdisciplinary among Design/Technology and Economics and Critical Thinking/Learning strategies in selected fields, publish an electronic Hand Book for Career Counselors and Class teachers for better apply of new methodology and technics in class; teaching of 30 trainers in Baltic countries and pilot testing of the New Study Course in Schools with Youngsters; Evaluation and follow-up seminars in each country to estimate improvements and Dissemination activities with Final Conference to promote new methods for Career counseling in published Guidebook for Career Counselors. Project partners will integrate New methods of teaching in their Career and Pedagogical education Study programmes in different levels (Bachelor, Master and LLL). The target group of the Project are 30 Career Counselors and Class teachers and final beneficiaries of 450 youngsters, 150 in each country. End beneficiaries are 45 involved entrepreneurs in main sectors of Economies and 15 experts involved in Career education in Partner Universities as well as 150 participants of 4 multiplier events. Involved project researchers will develop 5 scientific Publications and participate in international Conferences for project results and outputs dissemination, as well as for further academic work and improvements.
One of the issues Europe is challenging in school education is high youth unemployment and migration leaving secondary education and not entering higher education after reaching the age of majority. Based on findings in latest researches the East European countries have faced huge migration levels due to the weak acknowledgments of clear vision for possible future career and guided career counseling in the last classes before school graduation. This causes migration to west European countries were the vision is less complicated, in most cases well paid but less recognizable in society (simple jobs). This limits development of local Economies of three Baltic countries.Therefore the project aims to: develop and implement innovative practices in Career Education at Schools for better motivation for Career developments in local/regional economies; promote Career Guidance competence of school teachers and Career Counselors based on interdisciplinarity among Design, Technology and Economics; facilitate motivated and targeted Career choices for learners in selected fields for targeted focus on the subjects and courses in School and selection of future Vocational Education or Higher Education Institutions. The innovative character of the project is its interdisciplinary approach allowing school children to introduce themselves to sectors of local economy industries trough inspiration of the Design industry, simultaneously presenting the complex world of technologies and engineering beside the facts of Business Economics in the form of costs and margins along of human recourses involved in the process, their professionalism levels and hourly or monthly rates they get paid in average. The last findings are of high importance to youngsters since the desired level and status of profession requires certain higher education and this leads to the necessary courses and subjects to be well acquired during the secondary education. In this way project will bring motivation to school children for better education and selection of home country universities based on the clear vision and findings of future career possibilities in home country. For these reasons Project foresees particulatization of the needs and gaps in main industries covered by the Project (Ferstry and Wood; Metal and Machinery; Agriculture and Food) in the preparation of survey of main stakeholders to respond on latest needs and gaps in Labor market; development of New in-service Study Course based on interdisciplinary among Design/Technology and Economics and Critical Thinking/Learning strategies in selected fields, publish an electronic Hand Book for Career Counselors and Class teachers for better apply of new methodology and technics in class; teaching of 30 trainers in Baltic countries and pilot testing of the New Study Course in Schools with Youngsters; Evaluation and follow-up seminars in each country to estimate improvements and Dissemination activities with Final Conference to promote new methods for Career counseling in published Guidebook for Career Counselors. Project partners will integrate New methods of teaching in their Career and Pedagogical education Study programmes in different levels (Bachelor, Master and LLL). The target group of the Project are 30 Career Counselors and Class teachers and final beneficiaries of 450 youngsters, 150 in each country. End beneficiaries are 45 involved entrepreneurs in main sectors of Economies and 15 experts involved in Career education in Partner Universities as well as 150 participants of 4 multiplier events. Involved project researchers will develop 5 scientific Publications and participate in international Conferences for project results and outputs dissemination, as well as for further academic work and improvements.
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