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Generation 0101

Funder: European CommissionProject code: 2014-1-HR01-KA205-007214
Funded under: ERASMUS+ | Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices | Strategic Partnerships for youth Funder Contribution: 270,855 EUR
Open Access mandate
Publications: NoResearch data: No

Generation 0101


"With the project Generation 0101 project consortium tackled unemployment as one of the most relevant youth problem in Europe today. Interrelated with this issue, there is a growing need for placing a stronger emphasis on the development and recognition of ICT skills in order for people all over Europe to become better educated and more competitive in the job market. Objectives of the project were to increase competitiveness of young people in the job market and thus helping in fighting unemployment in Europe, while emphasizing the importance of ICT for professional development and employability in digital industries, stressing the value of non-formal and informal learning and raising of civic engagement of youth workers and young people in partner countries.Project consortium consisted of 7 organisations from 6 countries: Centar tehničke kulture Rijeka (Croatia), Asociacija ""Langas į ateitį"" (Lithuania), Associazione Centro Studi Città di Foligno (Italy), Cyprus Community Media Center (Cyprus), Izmir Universitesi (Turkey), Latvijas Informācijas un komunikācijas tehnoloģijas asociācija (Latvia) and Telecentar (Croatia). Partner organisations had great experience in raising digital skills of young people, while some were also coordinators of National Coalitions for Digital Skills and Jobs. Out of 6 countries involved in project, 3 countries had Digital Agenda consolidated in national documents and 3 countries didn’t recognise importance of integration of objectives of Digital Agenda into existing or newly developed strategies. In order to define in detail needs of digital market and youth, research was implemented. Main goal was to analyse educational needs in each country and important challenges which has to be tackled if countries want to respond on needs of digital market. Research revealed that countries with integrated goals of Digital agenda already allocated funds for raising digital skills of youth, but also citizens in general, and already responded on the need of digital market, while other countries are facing bigger gap between skilled workers and market needs. According to the results, seven educational modules were developed and 322 young people educated to be eJournalist, speakers on Community Web Radios, web designers, video editors, coders, mobile apps developers or advanced users of online collaboration tools. Materials developed are adjusted for onsite learning, but also for self-studying and last from 20 to 40 hours. In addition, learning is based on practical skills development and it results with project which can be added to personal portfolio. By the end of education, 142 projects were created from scratch by young people and 19 projects which were directly requested from NGOs, CSOs and other organisations important for community development. Methodology of Hackathon showed its usefulness for testing digital skills of young people while having positive impact on local community.Long-term impact of the project is sustained with open educational resources developed and available on www.generation0101.eu, their adjustment for integration into formal educational system and by projects (digital solutions) created for national and local organisations."

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