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New Cotton

Demonstration and launch of high performance, biodegradable, regenerated New Cotton textiles to consumer markets through an innovative, circular supply chain using Infinited Fiber technology
Funder: European CommissionProject code: 101000559 Call for proposal: H2020-FNR-2020-1
Funded under: H2020 | IA Overall Budget: 8,813,420 EURFunder Contribution: 6,745,800 EUR

New Cotton


Every second, the equivalent of one garbage truck of textiles is landfilled or burned at a huge environmental and societal cost. Textile production is one of the most polluting industries, producing 1.2 billion tons of CO2e per year – more than international flights and maritime shipping. Apparel consumption is projected to rise to 102 million tons by 2030 – a 63% increase equivalent to more than 500 billion T-shirts. As a result, the challenges this project is targeting to solve are becoming even more critical. The textile industry - along with government officials, environmental organizations, and consumers - agree that it’s imperative to make a change towards sustainable production and consumption. There’s a will and an urgent call for change. Existing solutions cannot recycle the growing piles of discarded textiles. There hasn’t been a feasible alternative on the market that would be affordable, environmentally sustainable and provide the required mechanical properties and functionality. Infinited Fiber Company’s cellulose carbamate technology enables textile waste that is currently burned or landfilled to be turned into cost efficient, cotton-like fiber with superior qualities. The patented process can digest cotton rich textile waste (including mixed fibers) and other cellulose based waste feedstocks. The diverse feedstock range is a technological advantage diminishing the need for virgin raw materials. This project will demonstrate that circular, sustainable production and consumption can be a reality. Bringing together the whole circular textile value chain, we will demonstrate an approach where post-consumer waste textiles are recycled with the IFC technology into new fibers and textiles with considerably lower environmental impact while fulfilling brand and consumer performance requirements. In collaboration with leading global brands, the regenerated New Cotton textiles are converted to apparel and launched to consumers to validate their market.

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