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One of the most fascinating and challenging question of Modern Astrophysics is: How do planets form? Indeed, micronic dust grains must grow over 30 orders of magnitude in mass to build planet cores. Global numerical simulations of dust grains that couple the dynamics of the particles to their growth/fragmentation and the radiation in the disc are compulsory to understand this process. Yet, this coupling has never been realised, given tremendous difficulties that originate from fundamental physical properties of dusty flows. The evolution of the dust distribution in protoplanetary discs remains therefore very poorly understood. Our novel groundbreaking code is the first to handle non-ideal MHD, radiation and dust with dynamical growth and fragmentation. We can therefore overcome all past difficulties to model gasgrains mixtures in discs consistently. PODCAST is designed to study the different stages of gas and dust evolution in the various regions of the disc, with the main objective of combining these steps in a holistic model for planet formation. We will confront the results directly with observations, unleashing the full potential of the grand instruments ALMA, SPHERE, JWST and SKA.
One of the most fascinating and challenging question of Modern Astrophysics is: How do planets form? Indeed, micronic dust grains must grow over 30 orders of magnitude in mass to build planet cores. Global numerical simulations of dust grains that couple the dynamics of the particles to their growth/fragmentation and the radiation in the disc are compulsory to understand this process. Yet, this coupling has never been realised, given tremendous difficulties that originate from fundamental physical properties of dusty flows. The evolution of the dust distribution in protoplanetary discs remains therefore very poorly understood. Our novel groundbreaking code is the first to handle non-ideal MHD, radiation and dust with dynamical growth and fragmentation. We can therefore overcome all past difficulties to model gasgrains mixtures in discs consistently. PODCAST is designed to study the different stages of gas and dust evolution in the various regions of the disc, with the main objective of combining these steps in a holistic model for planet formation. We will confront the results directly with observations, unleashing the full potential of the grand instruments ALMA, SPHERE, JWST and SKA.
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