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CORE Innovation Centre (CORE) is a private non-profit research organisation, based in Greece and founded in 2021 as a full subsidiary of CORE Innovation Technology OE, focusing on Industry4.0 technologies, like machine learning, IoT, edge and cloud computing, Innovation Management and Communication. The vision of CORE is to become the biggest R&I centre in Southeastern Europe in the fields of Industry4.0. CORE aims to create an industrial ecosystem, composed of manufacturing companies and knowledge/research institutions, around the core principles of Industry 4.0 such as automation, zero-defect manufacturing, and flexible production based on a number of core technologies such as Machine Learning, Robotics, Big-Data and Digital Twins. This vision will be materialised through the development of Industry 4.0 Test Labs, which are practical environments where companies and research institutions develop, test and implement Industry 4.0 solutions under realistic conditions, as well as co-design the associated digital processes and new business models. The overall Twin4Twin goal is to raise the research profile of CORE as well as the research profile of its staff in the field of digital twin technologies. In parallel with the objectives, Twin4Twin’s concept approach is divided into four clusters: a. digital twins – scientific excellence b. research and innovation management upskilling, c. business development, and d. exploratory research project. To do that, CORE will run the twinning exercise with leading EU organisations, namely ITA from Spain (Reduced Order Models research in Digital Twins), SCCH from Austria (Big Data real time streaming technologies) and SSF from Switzerland (test and demo platform to be used as use case and provide the replication potential towards the Greek Smart Factory).Twin4Twin aims to reduce the disparity in production between Greece and top-class leading countries through knowledge transfer in smart manufacturing technologies.
CORE Innovation Centre (CORE) is a private non-profit research organisation, based in Greece and founded in 2021 as a full subsidiary of CORE Innovation Technology OE, focusing on Industry4.0 technologies, like machine learning, IoT, edge and cloud computing, Innovation Management and Communication. The vision of CORE is to become the biggest R&I centre in Southeastern Europe in the fields of Industry4.0. CORE aims to create an industrial ecosystem, composed of manufacturing companies and knowledge/research institutions, around the core principles of Industry 4.0 such as automation, zero-defect manufacturing, and flexible production based on a number of core technologies such as Machine Learning, Robotics, Big-Data and Digital Twins. This vision will be materialised through the development of Industry 4.0 Test Labs, which are practical environments where companies and research institutions develop, test and implement Industry 4.0 solutions under realistic conditions, as well as co-design the associated digital processes and new business models. The overall Twin4Twin goal is to raise the research profile of CORE as well as the research profile of its staff in the field of digital twin technologies. In parallel with the objectives, Twin4Twin’s concept approach is divided into four clusters: a. digital twins – scientific excellence b. research and innovation management upskilling, c. business development, and d. exploratory research project. To do that, CORE will run the twinning exercise with leading EU organisations, namely ITA from Spain (Reduced Order Models research in Digital Twins), SCCH from Austria (Big Data real time streaming technologies) and SSF from Switzerland (test and demo platform to be used as use case and provide the replication potential towards the Greek Smart Factory).Twin4Twin aims to reduce the disparity in production between Greece and top-class leading countries through knowledge transfer in smart manufacturing technologies.
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