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Christians who are Christ–like are symbols of purity, love, humility and integrity. Christians, the follower of Jesus Christ are the redeemed of the lord and they are redeemed to live an exemplary live style that can draw, inspire, and influence others who are yet to give their lives to Christ to do so. The followers of Jesus Christ lived and practiced the doctrines and teachings of their master and it was seen in them in Antioch, where there were first called Christians which means Christ- like, as it is recorded in the book of ‘Act. 11:26’ Jesus led, taught and lived exemplary leadershipstyle which his followers imbibed, adopted and practiced, and its being passed from one generation to another. Going by this type of leadership set before Christians, Christian leaders have a very vital rule in nation building.One of the major mandates given to Christians is to reach out to the entire world with the message of salvation bringing them to Christ. Saved to save. As Jesus the leader of Christian put it, and he said unto them, “Go ye into the world and preach the gospel to every Creature ‘Mark. 16:15-16’ Go and make disciple of all the nation baptizing them in the name of the father, and of the Son, and of the holy spirit. Teaching them to observed all things whatsoever I have commanded you, and lo, am with you always even unto the end of the world. Mathew 28:19-20. This article intends to highlight the major areas in which Christian leader can contribute to nation building using their position as change and transformation Agents {CTA}. The message of the gospel is about God’s love for man and this gospel can only be preached in love, caring for others and living a moral, honest, decent, disciplinary and exemplary life style that will attract, inspire and draw men unto God.