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Objectives of the project: The partnership has come together under the common belief that health promotion and well-being in the workplace is one of the most pressing concerns European economies are facing. The common goal and vision amongst the partnership members was that there is need for a learning program (transforming ‘ideas into action’ in line with Europe 2020 recommendations) for exercise and health specialists. This program will act as a catalyst for their own professional development and will enhance well-being and quality of life at Work Space at the same time.During the activities of the project: A total of 8 specialists (3 exercise specialists, 2 physical therapists and 3 physicians across GER, EL, NOR and CY between them) collaborated with two non-profit organizations- one with impact on enterprises/policy makers (1 manager, ALBA) and one on innovative technologies (2 IT specialists, IPN). The project contributed to the co-operation within and among a variety of professionals (physical therapists, physicians and exercise experts) connecting practices from different thematic areas to ensure diffusion at workplaces. In specific:• During the 5-day Joint Staff training event 5 exercise and rehabilitation experts -HEI partners (DUTH, HBV, UNIC) -were informed by their physicians partners (3 physicians and one physical therapist, St Anna Hospital, Germany) on current methods of clinical treatment for neck pain and key points for designing therapeutic protocols. Then, the trainers presented the contents of health promotion programs and discussed them with physicians and physical therapists placing emphasis on those addressing neck pain symptoms. For the next stage, specific learning modules and topics for each module were defined by all the partners, based mainly on exercise experts’ knowledge.• The joint curriculum program which was developed and piloted through the 5-day face to face Intensive Study Program and the Online teaching period has been incorporated to the existent curriculum of three HEIs in three different countries, with already calculated ECTS as a grading scale. At the same time, the curriculum program is available online, for every user, through the website of the project. The 27 learners-participants in the development of the curriculum (ISP and long-term distance teaching) had already impact on others via a cascade effect of spreading knowledge and learning which was gained through the program. In this way, there will be a significant impact on exercise specialists’ employment not only in the participating enterprises but also across the EU. • Similarly, 550 office workers who learned to use the multimedia application (3 multiplier events in different companies, one Multinational Greek company (Henkel Hellas, 150 office employees) and 2 Greek companies (APOLLON S.A 250 office employees, AVON 150 employees) and 41 exercise specialists who followed training on THEWS application (multiplier event for exercise specialists: Seminar on THEWS during the 24th International Congress on Physical Education and Sports in Greece) will impact on their colleagues (indirect target groups) hence spreading education and well-being gained through their short participation in the program. •Through the Information Day and other dissemination activities of the project, HR members and Corporate Social Responsibility of enterprises both from the private and public sector acknowledged that the healthier option is the easier option. 104 HR and top Managers participated in this event. Live streaming viewers also took part thus making the number of participants 206 in total. The group consisted of HR Managers from all industry sectors (all major Greek Banks, Multinational Greek companies, Manufacturing, telecommunications, pharmaceutical, Call centers etc). All participants had the chance to see the demonstration of some of the exercises which are included in the multimedia application and learnt how to access the platform. 2000 leaflets were distributed to the HR and top Managers on site. After the Information Day (24th of May) until the end of October 10 companies arranged individual meetings with the coordinator for exploring further cooperation implementing THEWS in a weekly basis and/or organize multiplier events for their employees on site. A well-informed public opinion in combination with provision of condensed and easily accessible information, for all kinds of audiences, will lower health costs and foster productivity as well as work satisfaction among office employees. Easy public access will also bring a wide collection of ‘popularized’ therapeutic exercise information closer to information seekers (neck pain patients, office employees) while the wide dissemination of THEWS results will contribute towards a better understanding of THEWS program potential.
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