There were two crucial elements that gave shape to this project proposal: the excellent, long-lasting relationship between most of the partners, and the needs and priorities of the partners’ communities, schools and principally, students. Common grounds and key-reasons were found during the Live Events organised on the eTwinning platform and the Facebook group. These were: the will to expand the successful work started in the eTwinning project “Herit@ge Matters”; the importance of valuing our European eco-cultural heritage, while contributing to the improvement of our students’ social and economic expectations; the need to bridge the gap between the haves and the have-nots; the need to engage our students and educational institutions in more civic actions as a way to creating more responsibility and entrepreneurship; the need to nurture a feeling of belonging to a bigger entity - Europe.Our goal is to contribute towards a higher awareness of the importance of local and European Eco-cultural Heritage. We will foster an inclusive, whole-school-and-community approach. We will promote group / team-work (“Eco-clubs”) and social responsibility, with the 21st Century Skills in mind. We will nurture a Love for Nature and “Green” Sports. We want to reduce the number of students leaving school too early by enabling success for all through informal and non-formal learning. The partner teachers want to learn how to use new tools and try different teaching & learning approaches. This will partly be achieved during the initial face-to-face Coordinators Meeting, which is crucial to the whole project process and development.The project will involve as many students as possible, of which about 73 face different types of disadvantaged situations. We intend to involve about 120 students in the project’s mobilities. The big majority of the students will be 12 to 15 years of age.The objectives of the project will be achieved through the planned activities. Creating the Eco-clubs and “keeping them alive” is a crucial part - the club members will be responsible for making Plogging Bags to use during the Orienteering / Geocaching activities, do research work and select /prepare information to use in the eco-touristic tours (for the QR-Code initiative), and create collaborative products with their foreign peers via our joint eTwinning project (videos, posters, recipes, magazine, project site, among others). Multilingual Phrasebooks will be put together by the students with the help of their English teachers - they will be very useful during the mobilities, and will contribute to the learning of specific vocabulary linked to the topics of the project. Students will practice singing their National Anthem (for the mobilities) and will prepare and give presentations about their home country. They will try “green” sports and outdoor activities. They will be incentivised to recognise sustainable sources of tourism and jobs, locally and during the mobilities, and debate about them. Multinational teams will have tasks to develop during the mobilities (photo-safari, video-making). After each mobility, the students involved will prepare a Talk to show their school and community what they experienced and learnt when abroad. The project implementation will focus mainly in a PBL, hands-on approach. Students will work mainly in national and multinational teams. The goals, tasks and roles will be clearly defined and there will be periodic task-accomplishment assessment followed by adjustments, when necessary. There will be records to help us keep on track. The role of all the partners will be equally important and we will depend and rely on each other. We believe that this type of methodology is the best to develop the much needed 21st Century Skills, and to make sure that all the students will have a chance to cooperate, collaborate and integrate, strengthen their self- confidence and self-esteem and help them overcome obstacles. During the Coordinators Meeting, teachers will learn essential skills, assign monitoring roles, and anticipate potential problems / obstacles and solutions, as well as plan the mobilities. A short film will be made after each mobility and a Talk will be given by the participants in their schools / communities. The collaborative products will be public (the QR-Codes, films, site, plogging bags) and the skills learnt and used throughout the project will be useful in the future. Students will acquire new, long-term, transversal skills (entrepreneurial, ecological, cultural and others), and a stronger motivation not to leave school. Teachers will come out enriched with new methodologies and transversal skills. Schools will be internationalised, enriched by the new experiences, more connected with the local and global community and more linked to ecology and cultural approaches. The “Eco- clubs” will be a Plus for more than two years and will directly impact on school life after the end of the project.
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