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Country: Romania
27 Projects, page 1 of 6
  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 865431
    Overall Budget: 749,125 EURFunder Contribution: 749,125 EUR

    Evaluation of LAminate composite Distortion by an Integrated Numerical-Experimental approach The consortium is proposing a method to evaluate the distortion of laminate composites in a number of scenarios, starting from test coupons manufacturing, measurements of distortion and correlation to the numerical tool that will evaluate a sub-scale demonstrator and in the end a full 7 meter composite wing.

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 831985
    Overall Budget: 1,247,380 EURFunder Contribution: 949,362 EUR

    FITCoW addresses directly the challenges of AIRFRAME ITD - Reduce aviation environmental footprint through product performance improvements (drag, weight, versatility) and an eco-friendly life cycle including significant recyclability increase as well as optimized material streams applied to the category of 19-pax commuter aircraft. The global objectives presented for the CS2 program are particularized to this project as a reduction in the carbon dioxide emissions of the developed product and associated lifecycle and an increase in the EU competitiveness. FITCoW aims to implement tools that can reduce the recurring costs of low-volume production and, with this, benefit reducing carbon emissions through three different manners: in the manufacturing of the tooling itself as part of the project in comparison of tooling currently used, in the operation of the tooling in the manufacturing of the final aeronautical structures and in the operation of the manufactured aeronautical structures through the developed tooling.

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 824238
    Overall Budget: 1,561,530 EURFunder Contribution: 680,514 EUR

    The project will cover the organisation of the series of two events defined as TandemAEROdays19.20. The first event of the series will take place in Romania/Bucharest at the end of April 2019, under the EU presidency of Romania. The event will be hosted at the Palace of Parliament for three days, followed by one day with optional visits to prestigious Romanian research centres (INCAS, COMOTI) and aeronautics industries (ROMAERO, IAR Brasov, …). The second event of the series will take place in Germany/Berlin at the end of May 2020 being planned to link the AEROdays with the International Air Show ILA 2020 and the Berlin viation summit - as a marketing platform for innovation and new technologies. The event is also understood as an event to link the Croatian with the German council presidency. The TandemAEROdays19.20 is expected to attract more than 1000 visitors for both events from across Europe and world-wide, and will strongly support the aviation and aeronautics sector, both with respect to technological kowledge transfer and networking with regard to the tranport sector as a whole. The Tandem AEROdays will disseminate results and demonstrations from flagship programmes in the aviation sector, such as CleanSky, SESAR, Future Sky and will also encompass social and networking activities to stimulate future collaborations within the future FP9. Not least, the TandemAEROdays19.20 will focus on conveying successfully the message of efficient EU aeronautics R&T through relevant media channels.

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 101079385
    Overall Budget: 1,499,630 EURFunder Contribution: 1,499,630 EUR

    As the only airborne cloud research platform holder in Eastern Europe, INCAS is in the perfect position to be a well-known R&D organisation that obtain urgently needed data sets, process and interpret them in order to improve future climate projections. However, to date, a lack of presenting these capabilities has left INCAS too little known in the cloud research community and therefore, underutilized research partner with excellent and very useful facilities. Through the BRACE-MY project, INCAS team will obtain the required skills and an additional equipment needed to complement their research capabilities with state-of-the art aerosol sampling techniques. The foreseen research, conducted in conjunction with strong twinning activities will transfer the skills required for INCAS to perform aerosol-cloud interaction research and elevate its reputation to that of a leader in the cloud and aerosol community. This will be achieved by using a “learning by doing” approach to transfer the best practices for conducting research, disseminating results and educating young scientists from the world-class project partners to INCAS. In particular, this will include: the development of an ice nucleating particle counter based on a state-of-the-art aerosol sampling system provided by a project partner, conducting research flights, publishing and presenting research results within internationally recognized platforms, organizing and lecturing at summer schools designed for upcoming researcher in the field and gaining the managerial skills required to become a recognized partner for aerosol and cloud microphysics research. The project partners have been selected to ensure that all of the objectives are guided by leaders in the field of aerosol and cloud research and acting as a research provider. Therefore, BRACE-MY will give INCAS, a research institute in a “widening country”, the opportunity to elevate itself to an internationally recognized cloud and aerosol research institute.

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 101082662
    Overall Budget: 1,465,170 EURFunder Contribution: 1,465,170 EUR

    SAFEST contributes to the European capability to provide independent, reliable and efficient solutions in the global space transportation market. The project will lead to a demonstrator of a modular Autonomous Flight Termination Unit (AFTU) for micro/small launchers, validated in a representative flight processor (execution) and emulated environment (dynamics), reaching TRL 5-6. This solution will differentiate from other developments tightly linked to a specific launch site, safety regulation and oriented (cost and mass) to institutional launchers. The proposed AFTU segregates the general-purpose sensors and functions (e.g. localisation) from the mission abort rules which are launcher and spaceport dependant, allowing customisation for a given launcher and site. This strategy is deemed a game changer for the reduction of launch service cost, availability, flexibility, enabling a more responsive access to space. Advanced, low-cost, and modular avionics solutions. SAFEST proposes to mature up to TRL 5-6 an MPSoC-based SW execution platform for modern avionics. Avionics and GNC SW development involve highly demanding tasks calling for powerful computational resources. A SW execution platform is proposed, HW independent, multi-layered, and highly decoupled: SMart Integrated Avionics (MIA). It will bring the following benefits: increased performance (several cores), increased flexibility (modular architecture, easy 3rd-party integration, OS & HW abstraction) and reduced cost (COTS components, new methodologies), fully oriented to reusability and AppStore concept. Integration of both technologies into a single solution. The integrated set will demonstrate that a modular AFTU design, despite its highly demanding computational load, can be implemented in a modular architecture and SW development environment.


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