REFERENCE CONTEXT (Italian and foreign) The project connected secondary and primary schools in France, Greece, Italy, Romania, Spain. The teachers proposed gradual and systematic activities to make students aware of the role that the EU plays in their lives. Fundamental to the project were the partner institutions that accompanied the schools along the path: -The European Historical Archives, in order to introduce students to the history, values and objectives of the EU (recent memory). – Santa Croce Opera in order to get to know the contribution of Franciscans in the dissemination of values in the EU countries, still valid todayPROJECT OBJECTIVES General objective: fostering the understanding of EU values: secularism, dialogue, peace, freedom, equality, solidarity, democracy. Students’ objectives : - getting to know and understand the processes of the constitution of the EU through the resources of the European Historical Archives (recent memory) – getting to know and understand the formation of the idea of citizenship of their own country, starting from experiences traceable over time ( deep memory) - producing materials that describe the research path developed – using their knowledge and skills to guide primary school students, other students or people interested in discovering local and European citizenship paths. Teaching objectives: - Building knowledge about the EU constitution , on citizenship experiences through exchange and comparison between colleagues - Building skills to work with students, (reading a historical document, documenting, comparing events according to established criteria, etc.) - Building together management skills for group work and to interact with colleagues and students. ACTIVITIES: the project activities, functional to the aims were: 6 project meetings, for the coordination and strategic management of the project actions; 5 training activities for teachers, moments of reinforcement and support for the acquisition and comparison on the cooperative didactics that characterized all the students laboratories. Each meeting deepened a theme corresponding to those that the students faced in the laboratories; in this way the teachers were able to direct the researches of the students during the activities in their respective countries; 5 exchanges / stays for students, characterized by laboratory activities, which were an opportunity to carry out also a historical research, on the values that bind the EU; 5 multiplier events realized with subjects different from the participants (schools, institutions, teachers, students, citizens ) in order to increase its visibility and promote further collaboration and participation. METHODOLOGY Students were informed about how the values described were pursued by European Institutions and bodies starting from the contemporary world. They then identified the way in which these values have established themselves over time in different countries. The methodology has favored the centrality of students, collaborative teaching and the use of images as a way to convey contents. The RESULTS ACHIEVED were: the acquisition of knowledge, the acquisition of skills and competences in relation to the objectives stated above. The work of the students produced materials described in detail in the specific section of this report.
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