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Country: Greece


5 Projects, page 1 of 1
  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 861985
    Overall Budget: 6,295,800 EURFunder Contribution: 5,615,730 EUR

    PeroCUBE will advance the organometal halide perovskite technology, a class of low-cost but high-quality materials which exhibit strong potential to dominate the OLAE market with the focus given on flexible, lightweight electronic devices. While these materials are extensively studied for the developments of the next generation of solar cells, PeroCUBE will focus on scalable manufacturing processes (roll-to-roll printing) and future market entry of new products. PeroCUBE develops large area lighting panels (PeLEDs) which offer distributed lighting in line with the human-centric lighting concept, such devices surpass OLEDs in terms of performance over cost ratio and will assist the European industry to maintain industrial leadership in lighting. Moreover, PeroCUBE further advances scalable manufacturing of perovskite-based photovoltaic panels (PePVs). Developments on both PeLEDs and PePVs will be also demonstrated in a new generation of Visual Light Communication (VLC) /LiFi technologies. The PeroCUBE developments will be demonstrated in coupled energy-harvesting/light-emitting devices and wearables (bendable wristbands).

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 957400
    Overall Budget: 7,926,480 EURFunder Contribution: 5,999,700 EUR

    5G-LOGINNOV will focus on seven 5G-PPP Thematics and support to the emergence of a European offer for new 5G core technologies in 11 families of use cases. 5G-LOGINNOV main aim is to design and innovative framework addressing integration and validation of CAD/CAM technologies related to the industry 4.0 and ports domains by creating new opportunities for LOGistics value chain INNOVation. 5G-LOGINNOV is supported by 5G technological blocks, including new generation of 5G terminals notably for future Connected and Automated Mobility, new types of Internet of Things 5G devices, data analytics, next generation traffic management and emerging 5G networks, for city ports to handle upcoming and future capacity, traffic, efficiency and environmental challenges. 5G-LOGINNOV will deploy and trail 11 families of Use cases beyond TRL7 including a GREEN TRUCK INNITIAVE using CAD/CAM & automatic trucks platooning based on 5G technological blocks. Thanks to the new advanced capabilities of 5G relating to wireless connectivity and Core Network agility, 5G-LOGINNOV ports will not only significantly optimize their operations but also minimize their environmental footprint to the city and the disturbance to the local population. 5G-LOGINNOV will be a catalyst for market opportunities build on 5G Core Technologies in the Logistics domains, thus being a pillar of economic development and business innovation and promoting local innovative high-tech SME and Start-Ups. 5G-LOGINNOV will open SMEs’ and Start-Ups’ door to these new markets using its three Living Labs as facilitators and ambassadors for innovation on ports. 5G-LOGINNOV promising innovations are key for the major deep sea European ports in view of the mega-vessel era (Hamburg, Athens), and are also relevant for medium sized ports with limited investment funds (Koper) for 5G.

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 780754
    Overall Budget: 4,848,010 EURFunder Contribution: 4,848,010 EUR

    Track&Know will research, develop and exploit a new software framework that aims at increasing the efficiency of Big Data applications in the transport, mobility, motor insurance and health sectors. Stemming from industrial cases, Track&Know will develop user friendly toolboxes that will be readily applicable in the addressed markets, and will be also investigated in additional domains through liaison activities with running ICT-15 Lighthouse projects. Track&Know integrates multidisciplinary research teams from Mobility Data management, Complex Event Recognition, Geospatial Modelling, Complex Network Analysis, Transportation Engineering and Visual Analytics to develop new models and applications. Track&Know recognizes that Big Data penetration is not adequately developed in niche markets outside the traditional verticals (e.g. Finance) and so the Track&Know Toolboxes will be demonstrated in three real-world Pilots using datasets from niche market scenarios to validate efficiency improvements. Performance and impact benchmarks are elaborated and will be documented during pilots deployment. The Track&Know consortium is composed by complementary partners, coming from addressed research, technological and commercial domains, that have a proven track record of high quality research capacity. Thus, the carefully structured workplan, embodies a holistic approach towards meeting the Track&Know objectives and delivering market-relevant outcomes of significant exploitation potential.

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 875215
    Overall Budget: 6,116,240 EURFunder Contribution: 5,776,380 EUR

    Healthy ageing along with independent living have become key challenges for Europe as countries are experiencing growth in the number of older persons in their population. Several international organisations have stressed the importance of the independence, participation and autonomy of older people to remain healthy and, consequently, to ensure their quality of life. VALUECARE will deliver efficient outcome-based integrated (health and social) care to older people facing cognitive impairment, frailty and multiple chronic health conditions in order to improve their quality of life (and of their families) as well as the sustainability of the health and social care systems in Europe. It will also take into account the job satisfaction and the wellbeing of the health and social service providers, thus moving from the “Triple” to the “Quadruple Aim”. The project’s vision of integrated value-based care will be supported by a robust, secure and scalable digital solution that will be tested and evaluated in 7 large-scale pilots in Europe following a sound methodology developed by the project partners together with the end-users. VALUECARE proposes greater efficiency in the use of resources and coordination of care in a setting that ensures trust of users and policy makers about data access, protection and sharing and standardisation that can be replicated in EU. The consortium, made up of 17 partners from 8 EU countries, led by the Erasmus Medical Centre, has been built to guarantee the full coverage of the scientific, technological, clinical and social competencies, and to gather the viewpoint of different actors necessary to develop, test and evaluate the concepts, paradigms, protocols and interventions related to VALUECARE. The project’s multidisciplinary consortium includes stakeholders from the whole supply chain of the digital health and social care environment in order to maximize its chances of success.

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 815003
    Overall Budget: 3,920,000 EURFunder Contribution: 3,920,000 EUR

    Despite technological breakthroughs in connected and automated transport, the total transformation of existing transportation into a fully autonomous system is still decades away. In the meantime, mixed traffic environments with semi-autonomous vehicles proactively passing the dynamic driving task back to the human driver, whenever system limits are approached, is expected to become the norm. Such a Request to Intervene (RtI) can only be successful and met with trust by end-users if the driver state is continuously monitored and his/her availability properly evaluated and sufficiently triggered (through tailored human-machine interfaces - HMIs). In parallel, driver training has to evolve to account for the safe and sensible usage of semi-automated driving, whereas driver intervention performance has to be made an integral part of both driver and technology assessment. Besides, the ethical implications of automated decision-making need to be properly assessed, giving rise to novel risk and liability analysis models. The vision of Trustonomy (a neologism from the combination of trust + autonomy) is to maximise the safety, trust and acceptance of automated vehicles by helping to address the aforementioned technical and non-technical challenges through a well-integrated and inter-disciplinary approach, bringing domain experts and ordinary citizens to work closely together. Trustonomy will investigate, setup, test and comparatively assess, in terms of performance, ethics, acceptability and trust, different relevant technologies and approaches, including driver state monitoring systems, HMI designs, risk models, and driver training methods. This will be done through both simulator and field based studies, in a variety of autonomous driving and RtI scenarios, covering different types of users (in terms of age, gender, driving experience, etc.), road transport modes (private cars, trucks, buses), levels of automation (L3 - L5) and driving conditions.


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