Vaccination is one of the most effective strategy for prevention and control of infectious diseases. However,current vaccines are not available for all infectious diseases especially endemic diseases in developingcountries including Thailand possibly due to their low incidence and lacking public attention. In addition, mostcommercially available vaccines in Thailand are imported and too expensive for the general population andpopulation at risk. Therefore, vaccine research and development especially for emreging diseases, such asLeptospirosis and Dengue, is crucial in Thailand.The research partners from Thailand and Switzerland have previously established collaborations for vaccinedevelopment. The “Southeast Asia – Europe Joint Funding Scheme for Research and Innovation” wouldpush forward this primary project, to the next step of a concrete collaboration to the institutional level and willfocus on adjuvanted leptospirosis and dengue vaccine development. Thereby, this project will aim to:1. Investigate the use of adjuvant systems in order to enhance the immunogenic properties of new multiplesubunit vaccines for leptospirosis and suitable tetravalent DNA vaccine for dengue fever to allow higherimmunogenicity and enhanced protection.2. Develop new oral vaccination approaches against leptospirosis and dengue, which combine M-celltargeting strategies and specific mucosal adjuvants.3. Organize a workshop on mucosal vaccination in Chulalongkorn University, with the collaboration of swissand french partners.4. Expand the collaborations to the institutional level between the Chula Vaccine Research Center (ChulaVRC), Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, the Vaccine Formulation Laboratory (VFL), University ofLausanne, Switzerland, the School of Pharmaceutical Sceinces Geneva-Lausanne (EPGL), Switzerland, andthe Faculty of Medicine in Saint-Etienne, France.This funding will not only help in strengthening the potential in vaccine research and development inThailand, but it is also critical to transfer the knowlege and technology from project partners in Switzerlandand France for adjuvanted vaccine development to Thailand. The different domain of expertise of the projectpartners, and their experience in transnational projects, will ensure the development of innovative solutionsto reduce the risks of infectious disease in Thailand.
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