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Country: Greece


78 Projects, page 1 of 16
  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 2021-2-EL01-KA210-VET-000048863
    Funder Contribution: 60,000 EUR

    "<< Objectives >>a) Improve sustainability of marginal rural communities supporting agroecological farming b)Increase farmers competitiveness by providing knowledge to control animal diseases c)Identify solutions that can be mobilized locally by stakeholders, ensuring self-sufficiency (i.e. exploiting locally available resources) d)Set in place methods to monitor and evaluate progress, identify constraints, and allow dynamic and iterative process of learning by doing e)Promote inclusion and equal opportunities<< Implementation >>1) developing training material to be used in training schools. The material will become publically available through the project's platform 2). three 4-day training courses will be delivered to the target groups in the premises of the coordinator 3) a two-weeks visit to Italy will allow Greek trainees to witness the use of innovative tools for the management of sustainable farming systems 4) dissemination/evaluation activities will offer valuable feedback and support the project's scaling up<< Results >>We expect that the project's activities will support local economy in vulnerable societies, addressing current environmental/climatic challenges by developing an innovative training package and related resources in line with the horizontal priorities “Inclusion and Diversity"" and “Environment and Fight against Climate Change”. We also aim at engaging key local actors, enabling them to act as agents of social change, discuss and learn about environmental issues and sustainable entrepreneurship."

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 2021-1-RO01-KA220-VET-000025577
    Funder Contribution: 222,425 EUR

    "<< Background >>Agricultural education levels of farmers and representatives of agricultural cooperatives is generally low - according to Eurostat, 80% of farm/cooperatives managers have only practical experience and less than 10% have full agricultural training. Governance, Strategy and Management of Agricultural Cooperatives and practices are not taught in many EU countries, including Romania and Estonia. EU rural and agricultural policies also have an important role in reducing poverty, offering decent work and economic growth, ensuring responsible production and consumption and enhancing life on land. Agricultural markets and farming have changed considerably over the last decades across Europe and agricultural production faces more and more social and environmental challenges. Large number of jobs depend on farming, either within the sector itself or within the wider food sector (farming, food processing and related retail and services). Meanwhile, there are differences between the European model of agricultural and rural development and the state of play in the Romanian agricultural sector, with very deep discrepancies between their economic, technical and institutional characteristics. Farming and farmers in new member states are still strongly disfavored in relation to their competitors in the old EU Member States. In Romania, the economic and institutional mechanisms have lead to the degradation of performance and competitiveness indicators and the conversion of agriculture from an intensive mechanized and fertilized productive sector into a self consumption source of living at a continuously declining subsistence level and channeling the added value to other sectors.In the EU, there are 41,000+producer organizations (POs), 22,000+ of which are cooperatives. The share of agriculture in overall employment is in the area of 4%, representing 20.5 million full and part-time jobs. Only 5.6% of all European farms are run by farmers younger than 35 while more than 31% of all farmers are older than 65. Agriculture and the food related industries and services together provide almost 44 million jobs in the EU. The food production and processing chain accounts for 7.5% of employment and 3.7% of total value added in the EU. COGECA figures- COGECA is the General Confederation of the Agricultural Cooperatives from the E.U. representing organization from 27 states ). We have an acute shortage of managers of agricultural cooperatives in all the EU countries. They should be encouraged to be more involved in vocational education and training activities in order to have the necessary knowhow to streamline the activity in agricultural cooperatives and in turn to be able to inform and train members of cooperatives to meet current challenges: ecological pact, climate change, digitalization, agriculture precision and to produce healthy food at the right prices for farmers and accessible for the consumers.Specific needs for the participants and organizations taking part to GGPAC project: - lack of vocational education and training inthe agricultural cooperative sector both at national and international level - slow and scattered responses to societal expectations and transitions: climate transition, agroecological transition, preservation of resources, animal welfare -low professional theoretical and practical competences specific to agricultural cooperatives for the managers,administrator(economic, legal, marketing, communication, client relations, entrepreneurship)The idea of the project “Good governance practices in agricultural cooperatives – GGPAC” is the exchange of good practices and development of new educational tools between 4 partners: organizations of agricultural cooperatives(Romania-UNCSV), a higher education institution (Estonian University of Life Sciences), a research institute (Greece- Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AGRERI)), professional federation of agricultural cooperatives (France-Coop Rhones Alpes)<< Objectives >>Agriculture and the food related industries and services together provide almost 44 million jobs in the EU. But there are still big discrepancies between the EU countries when it comes to the economic and social recognition role of agricultural cooperatives. Agriculture, agri-food industry and distribution sectors represent more than 5% of the European added value and 7% of employment, more than any other manufacturing sector. There were 10.5 million agricultural holdings in the EU in 2016, approximately one third of which in Romania. Many of these farms are small, in particular in eastern and southern parts of the EU. Apart from that there is a lack of opportunities for vocational education and training in the agricultural sector, particularly in the management of agricultural cooperatives. The managers of cooperatives do not find activities or programs to continue their lifelong learning and updating their skills and competences according to the new demands.The idea of the project “Good governance practices in agricultural cooperatives – GGPAC” is the exchange of good practices and innovation between 4 partners: organizations of agricultural cooperatives, a higher education institution and a research institute from Romania, France, Greece and Estonia. The GGPAC project will provide vocational education and training opportunities for managers of agricultural cooperatives from Romania, Greece, Estonia and France. The projects will support the adaptation of the Good governance and Agricultural Cooperative Management training offered by the Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AGRERI), the Estonian University of Life Sciences, the Union of the National Branch of Vegetable Sector Cooperatives and the Coop de France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes to changing skills needs, green and digital transitions and economic cycles. Specifically the project will foster the exchange of good practices on subjects like financial management in cereal agriculture cooperatives, relationship management and types of hierarchy in agricultural cooperatives, roles and impact of agricultural cooperatives in their communities as well as understanding the whole primary production circuit of cereals from planting, storage, packing, processing, finished products. The French federation of cooperatives, the AGRERI Greek Research Institute and the Estonian University of Life Sciences already have a large experience in providing VET activities especially at national level. The GGPAC project will be the opportunity to internationalization of the educational approaches they have by building and testing together new tools for adapted and up-dated competences of agri-cooperatives managers from the 4 participating countries.The “GGPAC” project aims to provide the opportunity for the managers in the agriculture sector todiscover new models of cooperative governance, strategy, innovative practices and training designs. Specific objectives:- Integrate new practices and new methods in the daily life of agricultural cooperatives and their members - Improve theorganizational management, leadership and internal financial management for all the cooperatives and organizations -Transfer of good practices related with internal management for agricultural cooperatives and organizations -Internationalization of the management practices and planning other common projects between agricultural cooperativesand their members and organizations - Acquire and improve competences in the field of agricultural cooperativemanagement and good governance for the cooperatives in the agriculture sector - Increasing subject knowledge: internalfinancial management, cooperative business, client orientation management for the managers in the agriculture sector -Develop the entrepreneurial mindset and critical thinking for the for the managers in the agriculture sector - Promote thebetter use of open and digital resources in the strategic planning and internal management<< Implementation >>The project will last for 26 months (starting with 2nd of November 2021) and will have 4 Transnational meetings: 1 for each country (3 days/meeting) – first one Kick-off meeting for the preparation and agreement of all the activities, second meeting for a preparing the first Learning Teaching Training Mobilities, Mid-evaluation Meeting and Final Evaluation and Follow-up Meeting. 1 Kick-off meeting for the preparation and agreement of all the activities. The meeting will take place in Greece and Hellenic Agricultural Organization ""DIMITRA"" will be responsible for the logistic and administrative organization. There will be 8 people directly involved in this meeting (2 from France, 2 from Greece, 2 from Romania and 2 from Estonia). The objective of the 3 full days working is to revise together the planned activities, to set up clear roles and responsibilities and to have a commonly agreed division of tasks. Apart from being a good opportunity to work face to face and to better getting to know each other, the partners will have the chance to know other Hellenic Agricultural Organization ""DIMITRA"" members and staff. Second meeting will take place in France and will be focused on organizing the first Short-term joint staff training. Coop de France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes will be responsible for organizing the logistics and administrative of this meeting. Apart from the 8 persons involved in the Management of the project, trainers and experts will be invited in order to set up the Working Agenda, the Learning objectives and the learning outcomes of the Short-term Joint staff training event. In the same time we will visit the training place and we will get to know the team and members of Coop de France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. Third meeting will take place in Estonia. Estonian University of Life Sciences (EMÜ) will be responsible for organizing the logistics and administrative of this meeting. The objective of the meeting will be to have a midterm evaluation of the project. The project team will analyze the achievement of the objectives until now, will make a midterm report and will set up a plan of re-adjusting some activities. In the same time we will visit the training place and we will get to know the team and members of Estonian University of Life Sciences (EMÜ). Forth meeting will take place in Romania. UNCSV will be responsible for organizing the logistics and administrative of this meeting. The objective is to have the Final Evaluation of the project, to analyze the achievement of theobjectives and to plan a Dissemination of the results of the project. In the same time we will focus on future partnerships and future projects together. We will visit the offices and we will get to know the team and members of UNCSV.The LTT activities ( 3 Learning, teaching and training activities in France) are contributing to development of competences for the managers of cooperatives that can benefit from the experience and expertise of professional trainers, consultants and specialist in agri-cooperative management, strategy and governance from France, Greece and Estonia and Romani. The LTT activities provide a good opportunity for agri-cooperative managers to exchange ideas, good practices and insights from a regional and national perspective to an international one.Apart from the international mobilities, team Management meetings and the Learning, teaching, training activities, all the partners will organize local, regional, national meetings with interested stakeholders from the agricultural cooperative sector in order to present the progress and the results of our project. A multiplier event event will be organized in Romania for presenting the projects results and to promote future international cooperation in the agricultural sector.<< Results >>The project has specific expected results on different levels. Taking into consideration the profile of the partnership, organizations and institutions with large experience and expertise in agricultural education and cooperative management, the outcomes and results will be: - Improved organizational management, leadership and internal management for all the organizations taking part to the project, especially for the agricultural cooperatives and members of agricultural cooperatives - Good practices models related with cooperative management from the French, Romanian, Greek and Estonian partners - internationalization of good agricultural cooperative practices - new knowledge in internal financial cooperative management, agricultural cooperative business, client orientation management for all the participants -improved and new competences in team-work and healthy relations within agricultural cooperatives - a toolkit on Training staff members of cooperatives on Good governance strategy and Cooperative efficient management -toolkit on the relationship management (types of relationships between the cooperating member and the agricultural cooperative of which the member is (administrative-patrimonial, commercial-economic, social, etc.) relations, teamwork and the relationship of the members with the community through the cooperative, their impact, the need for contracts and types of contracts) - guide with type documents for the smooth functioning of the cooperative (Application form model for membership, regulation of organization and functioning of the cooperative Form, Job Description Form for manager, Contract between cooperative and member Form, Contract between cooperative and third parties Form) - increased competences for staff members of partner organizations/institutions- what he needs to know, to make a good manager of an agricultural cooperative- training cooperative managers to improve their knowledge, skills and abilities to obtain the best possible results in this position - how to develop an agricultural cooperative strategy- how to make the best possible use of international cooperative principles- what are the attributions and responsibilities of a good manager of an agricultural cooperative - pro-active entrepreneurial mindset for the staff members involved in the activities - open educational resources on strategic planning and internal management of agricultural cooperatives - case studies of agricultural cooperatives in participant countries - a feedback booklet ( from the part of cooperative managers mentioning: What did you learn from the exchange of experience?; What did you think was the most important thing you learned?; Rules to follow from a personal point of view in order to have a successful cooperative in the short, medium and long term; What will you implement from what you have learned in the cooperative where you are a manager?)."

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 101079173
    Overall Budget: 1,028,060 EURFunder Contribution: 1,028,060 EUR

    The overall aim of the FunShield4Med project is to strengthen the scientific excellence and innovation capacity of the Institute of Technology of Agricultural Products (ITAP) of Hellenic Agricultural Organisation – DIMITRA (ELGO-DIMITRA) from Greece in the field of food safety against mycotoxigenic spoilage fungi and mycotoxins under climate change challenges. The strategic collaboration of advanced partners from Italy (University of Parma/Dept of Food and Drug), Spain (University of Lleida/Food Technology Dept), and UK (Cranfield University/Soil and Agrifood Institute), and an internationally-leading University from Greece (National Kapodistrian University of Athens/Dept. of Chemistry) will ensure the knowledge and expertise transfer, help build new research alliances, and enrich, apart from Institute’s personnel, as well as young researchers' capacities from all members of the consortium. In order to achieve the Twinning call’s specific objectives the consortium of FunShield4Med will implement a comprehensive set of measures and activities, such as Short term staff exchanges and expert visits, Training workshops, Seminars, Summer schools, and Dissemination and outreach activities. In addition to the specific objectives of Twinning, a comprehensive research project is foreseen focusing on mycotoxigenic spoilage fungi and mycotoxins in relation to one main EU entry point (Greece) for imports from the South and East (African and Asian countries), to facilitate appropriate surveillance of commodities where mycotoxin contamination may increase because of climate change (CC) factors. This will minimize exposure of consumer to these toxins and will provide benefits in traceability of both emerging and modified forms of mycotoxins in staple food and drink chains in the context of CC scenarios.

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 2017-1-EL01-KA202-036224
    Funder Contribution: 191,155 EUR

    "The cultivation of super-foods & medicinal herbs is characterized as alternative, as the fruits & herbs,are highly nutritious food for humans. Their cultivation meets many uses-other than the consumption of the fruits- to pharmaceutical & plants-pharmaceutical industry which are used for preparation of herbal medicines and nutritional supplements. Greece, Italy and Spain combine all the conditions required for high volume / performance production producing a satisfactory fructification. As today globalized certification standards constitute a common policy, the trend is to make focus on certification standards & process, an agent which requires the cultivation & production process to go alongside. Harmonization introduces labor exclusions which always have to taken into consideration. This emphasis on quality within the agro-foods sphere comes also in response to evolving forms of consumption, in which product demand is tied to shared, socially construed values. The entire project's idea was to provide innovative methodologies to directly involved persons with the cultivation, collection, production, packaging and promotion of super-foods, aromatic-medicinal herbs and forest fruits, aiming to enhance their basic professional skills as their ICT skills, via vocational training activities in order to be more competitive themselves & their products. Main objectives of “SuperGREENLabelFoods” were the preparation & development of innovative activities for agriculturists/ agricultural workers/ producers/ working on the superfoods & aromatic-medicinal herbs production, in 4 key-actions:1) The know-how knowledge transfer to new adults agricultures. 2) Outdoor Training activities in agriculture areas which were Video-recorded, in order to be used as an e-learning tool. 3) Enhancing the ICT skills of agriculturists in order to better promoting their products as well as always get informed for issues related to their cultivations. 4) Agricultural certification of the potential agriculturists. Especially the use of real-time training sessions recorded by video-camera in outside activities gives an innovative impact while enhancing the VET teaching & learning methodologies & pedagogical approaches via the use of ICT. The inspiration of this project is to propose a different model of development with main focus in the primary production sector. The innovation character of this project is that was focused on agriculture entrepreneurship on agro-food sector, inviting existing agricultures, to be trained to the functioning of value chains & the diversity of stakeholders as well as to cover the existing gap between the new and the old agro-food production & processing generation because of the use of new technologies & ICT. However, the project was focusing to create the circumstances, making the right information & consultation to interested parties (Breeding farm processors, food machines manufacturers, agro-food systems producers, logistics & trade professionals) regarding the certification of their agro-food products production, processing and packaging. The innovation was the real-time video-recording of the training process regarding the stages of planting, cultivating and maturation of the seeds & herbs. Among the final outputs and result of the project is included: a)a Scientific desk research on skills and regulation framework of cultivators of super foods and aromatic-medicinal herbs as well as b) a ""Statistical analysis the skills & training capacity of agriculturists & food processors” with the use of questionnaires. Additionally, virtual session to ""Identify the frequency of ICT skills during the agriculturists professional development"" was organized. These practices reinforced transfer of knowledge, formed a platform of dialogue & an opportunity for further elaboration of practical solutions in education. Moreover, a “Guidebook on Fundamental Principles of vertical integration production of super-foods & aromatic herbs"" was generated aiming to gather and present the principles of cultivation, processing and quality assurance of production of products. In parallel, common certification policies on production, processing & packaging of these products were presented, to define the aspects of the certification procedure has to be used in this professional sector. Participants, trained to use certified methodologies while cultivating, collecting, processing or packaging of them.The establishment of a common certification framework will achieve the development instruments for the European-level certification and recognition of knowledge and skills, that help to generate more jobs and better working conditions in the agro-food industry. Finally, special training planned activities enhanced the vocational training capacity of agriculturists in the field of ICT."

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 2020-1-MT01-KA203-074234
    Funder Contribution: 277,035 EUR

    Aim and ContextThe aim of the project is to introduce new technologies in the food industry and food science and improve the capacity of students, researchers, academics and industry professionals, in these technologies.The food and drink industry is a major contributor to Europe’s economy. In 2018, it had a turnover of 1,109 billion, making it the largest EU manufacturing sector and the leading employer (4.57 million people). This accounts to 294,000 companies and 110 billion exports -17.9% of of EU global exports. Given this size, it is important that such organisations are supported in creating competitive, technologically efficient supply chains through innovation, necessitating novel educational strategies. Considering that Europe’s food and drink industry committed to increase value added by 2.5-3.5% per year to 2025, such innovative strategies need to be firmly on track. The food industry is also growing into a data-driven community, responding to the growing demand from the modern consumer for fully nutritious, sustainable and safe foods.Objectives The objectives of the project are as follows: - To improve the know-how of industry students, professionals, researchers and academics in the use of xR technologies through 2 intensive programmes for higher-education learners. - To pilot xR technologies in the food industry through the development of an xR prototype tool adapted for the food industry. - To develop an E-learning tool on the use of the xR prototype tool, to enable the transfer of knowledge to industry professionals and academiaActivitiesAs a means to achieve these objectives, the following activities will be implemented:- Training of 30 industry professionals, researchers and academics through 2 intensive study programmes .- Exchange of best practices through virtual meetings and 8 blended mobilities, for the development of an xR prototype tool and e-learning module.- 4 transnational project meetings for the effective management and implementation of the project.In addition to the above, as a means to promote the project and also exploit the project results a dissemination plan will be implemented in addition to three different multiplier events. Number and Profile of participantsThe participants of this project will be students, researchers, academics and industry professionals who operate in the fields of food and computer sciences and the food industry. These participants will take part in the intensive study programmes and blended mobilities. In addition to this they will also take part in the overall development of the IOs for this project. There will be 38 participants in total taking part in these mobilities and research components.MethodologyFor the effective management of the project, three transnational project meetings will be organised. Each of the transnational meetings will focus on the current state of the implementation of the project, logistical planning for the upcoming activities, current implementation of the project objectives and indicators, an overlook of current project spending and discuss and issues on the implementation of the project which would have arisen at that point. These meetings will be attended by the project management team, which includes at least one representative from each of the organisations involved in the project.The project management team, who will be in charge of the implementation of the project, will consist of a project leader/project manager, project financial officer (UoM) and six project officers each representing the partner organisations, with regard to the project officers UM will be represented by two officers as they will be the only entity providing expertise on computer science. It is important that this expertise is also reflected during the management of the project so that the project management team can also have the input of a computer expert. Results and ImpactThis project will lead to the following results:-1xR prototype tool for use within the food industry and food science fields (IO1)-1 e-learning course for use within the food science field (IO2)-2 intensive training events-8 blended mobilities-3 multiplier events leading to the sharing of the IOs of the project, with key stakeholders in the food industry and researchers and academics in food sciencesThrough the implemented activities and IOs the project will impact the participants, participating organisations, and target groups and stakeholders involved in this project. This project will provide participants and participating organisations with new skills and knowledge about the use of xR tools in the field of food science and production. It will also provide stakeholders and target groups in the food industry with a readily available xR tool which they can use in industries.


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