The efforts done in the last decades from the European institutions to tackle the NEETs problem and to provide, accordingly to international and European convention on protection of children and young people, better policies in the juvenile justice system have proven to create benefic effects for many young European. The rationale of those policies and recommendation is the same as the one that leads to this project: support youth in participation’s process, preventing them to fully or partially disengage from the “social contract” and help them to develop attitude, skills and knowledge for a fully integrated life in the European society. The strategic partnership BA-Network in the field of youth is established between European associations, civil and educational institutions and operators active in the juvenile justice and in the wider field of NEET. Main objectives of the BA-Network consist of development of alternative methods and measures to imprisonment of young offenders and increase the chances of NEETs for social inclusion. More over the partnership intends to promote the debate among social, educational and political institutions as well as social entrepreneurs for create a reengagement platform according to the Europe 2020 youth strategy. Methodologies of the BA-Network are: share and transfer experiences and know-how among the partners, development of strategies and methods toward juvenile crime prevention, implementation of a platform for policies and practices at a European, national and sub-national level for rehabilitation in society of young offenders and NEETs. The design of this project ensures a balance between experience and innovation distributed among the partners. The most innovative aspects introduces by the BA-Network is, involve countries that haven’t yet developed the pilgrimage for young offenders and NEETs in their welfare and juvenile justice policies and the cross sectorial transfer of knowledge, good practices and scientific documentation on this topic. The activities involving the Italian partners have an absolute innovative character, since these measures for young offenders and NEETs have never been implemented there. Though the first Italian partner left the project, it was possible with two now founded organisations (L'Oasi and Lunghi Cammini) to transfer specific non-formal learning processes and tools in social and educational contexts in which they have not yet being tested and which are aimed at combating social exclusion, prevent recurrence and early school leaving, promote social security in community and the containment of crimes related to petty crime, promote commitment and empowerment of young people and positive initiation into adulthood, favoring the containment of public spending in particular with regard to health issues , welfare and judicial affairs. With this the project focussed on a important perspective of resocialisation: Kawamura-Reindl and Schneider define the resocialisation idea as a societal task which cannot succeed between criminal young people and professionals like judges, enforcement officers and social workers but in the confrontation with society: “Resocialisation grows out of the cooperation of a society which, based on its fundamental attitude, committed individuals, and existing services offers assistance and support for offenders with the aim of an unpunished reintegration into society.” According to this, the project uses the method of longdistance walking to create contact between NEET's and the society. The project also contributed to an European perspective of a professional social work, since it was part of a European discussion between scientists and professiona social workers about methods and perspectives in social work. The project had impact on non-governmental organizations of both third sector organizations already involved in the project target as well as other companies who are interested in certain topics covered by the project. Public institutions are also affected by the result of this project which will create conditions more suitable to test and implement the pilgrimage, to start collaborations useful to enter the labor market for youngsters. Also several youth under probation or in prison had benefit from the activation of new projects such as pilgrimage, internship and work placement. Because of being able to implement our project under the effigies of the European Union in Italy but also in the other countries the project was a powerful example for other to carry on and promote the Europe2020 strategy in the field of youth. The BA-Network has become an European network of strong partners for coordinating pilgrimage activities for young offenders and NEET with the help of the European and National institutions. Since the network is based on at least three stable institutions (ALBA, SEUIL and FHD), which will continue the work of walking with NEET's, it will be developed further in the next years.
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