The project developed an environmental education programme called One World Learning (OWL) in which we promoted diversity, citizenship , language learning, integrated science, team work and critical thinking in an environmental context for children, youths and adults. The overall aim was to trigger behavioural changes that will lead to inquisitive, empowered, socially inclusive and environmentally responsible individuals and communities. The project addressed the urgent need for encouraging active citizenship, critical thinking and intercultural exchange across communities in Europe as recognised in the Lisbon Treaty. The resources and events delivered encouraged participants to be active citizens, to think critically about how they can improve their local environments and learn and share knowledge and experiences from other individuals and communities across cultures and countries. OWL has combined best practice, innovation, research and experience from five environmental NGO’s to develop One World Learning into a project which is relevant on a European level and beyond. Through transnational cooperation and exchange between education and training providers and other stakeholders we managed to achieve the following objectives: 1. To strengthen partnerships and networks between European countries in the field of environmental education. 2. To develop an international environmental education programme based on best practice and European standards. 3. To promote positive environmental behaviours, citizenship, critical thinking and innovation in children and youths. 4. To strengthen teacher and leader professional development in the field of environmental education. 5. To promote diversity and intercultural exchange through language learning for children 6. To promote new interests in science learning through opportunities for practical outdoor activities 7. Promote international awareness of the educational and health benefits of learning in the natural environment using both local and international research findings. 8. To connect outdoor learning and social inclusion The project also addressed national priorities for the year 2017 in the fields: 1. Foreign Language teaching and/or learning 2. Life Skills for Children 3. Applied Learning 4. Science and Technology 5. Alternative Learning programme and initiatives Project activities impacted 950 people, including 500 children and 450 teaching professionals. After the project has ended it has the potential to impact tens of thousands of children- In Malta for example- we work with around 18,000 children per year who participate in the schools programme which was developed through this project. The network developed is expanding and continuing to influence environmental and educational organisations around the world, impacting children in turn. The partnership consisted of: Birdlife Malta (Lead partner); Maltese Ministry for Education and Employment; Birdlife Europe; OTOP (Polish Society for the Protection of Birds); SPEA (Portugese Society for the Study of Birds; and Learning Through Landscapes (UK). By working together we shared best practice and learnt from each other to create an environmental education network that will have longer term relevance and reach through Birdlife International. Year 1 consisted of three transnational meetings. The core themes that were covered included: Introduction, team building, planning and risk management (T1- Malta), communications, branding and engagement planning (T2- Belgium), Intellectual Outputs and defining One World Learning Europe (T3- Poland). This year was mainly focused on development of intellectual outputs 01-05. There was also a learning, teaching, training activity (C1), in which the partnership came together for teacher training in the U.K.Year 2 focused on the development of digital outputs (06) and the final One World Learning programme (07), all the dissemination events took place this year and there was a final learning, teaching, training event hosted by BirdLife Europe and Central Asia. There were two transnational meetings, one was in the UK and the other took place in Portugal.
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EU's agricultural and forestry land provides a wide range of public goods (PG) and ecosystem services (ESS) on which society depends, yet land use decisions and society often under-value these . PEGASUS will develop innovative, practical ways of making PG and ESS concepts accessible and operational: it will identify how, where and when cost-effective mechanisms and tools for policy, business and practice can most effectively be applied, increasing the sustainability of primary production in pursuit of the EU2020 vision of 'smart, sustainable and inclusive growth'. Recognising that the appreciation of PGs is context-dependent, PEGASUS uses social-ecological systems as an analytical framework to explore systemic inter-dependencies among natural, social and economic processes. It will adopt participatory action research with public and private actors and stakeholders to better understand the range of policy and practical challenges in different case study contexts (localities, sectors, management systems, etc.). An EU-level spatially explicit assessment of causalities between socio-political and institutional drivers, different land management systems and multiple delivery of PG will be complemented by fine-grained analysis within the case studies, and comparative meta-analysis will be applied to develop an operational framework for mapping, valorising and determining what PG and ecosystem service (ES) provision is needed and feasible within particular territories and sectors. New data-sets, transferable methods and tools that are fit-for-purpose and sensitive to the plurality of decision-making contexts will be generated. By improving recognition of the social and economic value of PG, PEGASUS will promote improved and innovative approaches to their provision by businesses and communities, and highlight specific policy improvements. It will provide specific advances in CAP, forestry and other relevant policies, underpinned by strong scientific evidence.
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Together with key stakeholders, NaturaConnect will co-develop knowledge, tools and capacity building programmes to support Member States in implementing an ecologically representative, resilient and well-connected trans-European nature network (TEN-N) that builds on the existing network of protected areas and Green and Blue Infrastructure. Through research, engagement and dissemination activities at the European scale and in a set of six case studies, we will elicit stakeholders’ visions and preferences about conservation objectives, tap into best practices in protected areas management and funding mechanisms, mobilize data and test the TEN-N spatial prioritization analyses and tools produced by NaturaConnect. This addresses two major obstacles identified by the EU Nature Legislation Fitness Check: lack of stakeholder awareness and cooperation, and insufficient knowledge and access to existing funding mechanisms. NaturaConnect will further address a third major obstacle, limited availability of knowledge on biodiversity distribution, drivers of change and conservation solutions. To address this, NaturaConnect brings together a consortium of the top European scientists, policy experts and NGOs to produce and mobilize relevant data and knowledge. This includes refining and applying state-of-the-art models on biodiversity, ecosystem services and environmental change across Europe and under current and future climate and land-use. Equipped with improved data, knowledge, models and spatial planning methods we will identify gaps in protected area coverage, connectivity and resilience under climate and land-use change. We will further develop scenarios for expanding protected areas, establish ecological corridors and other areas of connectivity to address these gaps, thereby offering a blue-print for realizing TEN-N. NaturaConnect will further provide knowledge and decision support for policy, financing and implementation of TEN-N at all relevant scales.
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