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6 Projects, page 1 of 2
  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 2020-1-IT02-KA203-079250
    Funder Contribution: 256,352 EUR

    FUTURE aims at developing competences in terms of design and management of urban regeneration processes as tools for social innovation, through elaboration of a training model, its experimentation and identification of a standard path for higher education and training addressed to young professional to be or already included in the labour market.To reach this objective the consortium wants to create a training model, that will support students and young professionals to acquire a set of competences making them capable of implementing urban regeneration processes by reducing distances between stakeholders and creating opportunities for local sustainable development, co-design and enhancement of the identity of a territory. FUTURE project has the general objective of BRIDGING THE SKILLS GAP IN THE URBAN REGENERATION SECTOR - both for university students and young professionals who have already worked- through the acquisition of skills and technical knowledge with an INTERDISCIPLINARY and innovative approach, such as PRACTICE-BASED LEARNING.Project activities can be divided into 4 steps:- Step 1: baseline research (IO1). Project partners will elaborate data collected through a research to detect which are the key competences of professionals working in URP with circular city approach;- Step 2: training model elaboration ( IO2). Definition of competences, structure training programme and methodologies, training the trainers, certification scheme applicable and finalisation of FUTURE training programme are the main activities;- Step 3: testing of FUTURE training programme with practical LAB sessions (IO3).- Step 4: FUTURE Handbook (IO4), toolkit dedicated to professors and trainers, to support students and professionals in acquire relevant skills and competences to be developers of URP with the circular city approach.Some of the numbers that describe FUTURE project, in relation to target groups outreach:-Nr. of students and professionals involved in IO3 – 60;-Nr. of professors/trainers involved in IO2 – 14;-Nr. of universities and VET organisations involved (partners and other organisations) – 7;-Nr. of external stakeholders involved (mainly in Multiplier events) – 200;-Nr. of public administrations, local authorities and NGOs involved – 5.Futhermore, the following RESULTS will be achieved:1.Creation of a common Training Model that will allow the acquisition of competences by HE students and professionals, on new approaches of urban regeneration in the framework of “circular city”, with innovative and practical methodologies.2.Identification of training courses (university and post-graduate) and related certification systems of skills for the use of the training model identified even after the closure of FUTURE project.3.Experimentation in the participating territories (partners’ countries) of the model by involving the recipients of the training in the conception and implementation of concrete projects of urban regeneration and inclusive participation of the community.4.Create a collaboration model, a good practice for the implementation of a network among universities, VET organisations and organisation of practitioners working in URP/social and economic development, to stimulate them work together and cross-fertilize competences and skills to give a contribution in the development of professionals/future professionals.5.Increased capacity to work in European contexts and participate/manage EU funded project, furthermore, create a network of different organisations that could work beyond the lifecycle of the project itself.6.Enlarge the opportunities for students and professionals to raise their skills and as consequence to become aware of what are the new approaches growing within URP aimed at creating measurement tools to consider the city as an integrated ecosystem, with people, place, prosperity and resilience at its core.7.Favour the acquisition of specific competences (technical and soft-skills) by young people – students or young professionals working on URP – trying to support those who want to access the changing world of urban regeneration with an holistic set of competences that allow them to activate processes of social innovation not only within the future projects they will be working on, but also for them as potential social self-entrepreneurs that adopt social innovation as a management key factor.The consortium is composed by 5 partners and strongly enriched by their diversity, size, type but all joining because of the willingness to support young people in finding their way in work and social life. Project partners represent 3 different sectors: university, training provider, enterprises working in URP and social innovation development. The choice reflects the objective of developing a network to reinforce cooperation between higher education, VET providers and enterprises on real-world problems, contributing to the increase of youth quality employment.

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 2021-1-FR01-KA220-VET-000034815
    Funder Contribution: 292,413 EUR

    "<< Background >>GREEN TO BLUE project focuses on workers in the professional fishing and aquaculture sector and intends to expand and develop the training offer with courses aimed at raising levels of competence and qualification in the environmental field, a field with multiple meanings such as: management of natural resources, prevention of marine pollution, water quality, sea-gathered waste management, etc…. Fishing and aquaculture sector is characterized by workers with low qualifications and with a high average age. The recent study of the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee of the European Commission (STECF 2019), shows that 58% of the workforce in the sector has an average age between 40 and 64 years and 67% of workers in fishing and aquaculture has a low education, with weak skills. Although fishermen have an important working experience at sea, the category is fragile and it’s difficult for them to adapt to the changes we are all subjected to. The main objective of the GREEN TO BLUE project is to provide sector workers and sector stakeholders with an effective and functional training program, in order to IMPROVE THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT system and develop technical skills strongly centred on the SUSTAINABILITY OF ACTIVITIES RELATED TO THE SEA. The project approach is based on the development of innovative and quality training modules, both from the point of view of the methodologies implemented and of contents related to environmental skills and to the development of job opportunities linked to the blue economy addressed to low-qualified adults.Based on this general awareness, the specific needs that this project wants to try to find an answer to are:A. For organizations operating in the training field (VET providers and universities), but also for local agencies, the main interest is to respond to a growing need for professionalization of figures such as those operating in the sectors fisheries and aquaculture, for which it is necessary to provide for qualification and conversion paths towards a more environmentally sustainable style. Therefore, VET providers, local agencies and universities must give innovative and high-quality answers.B. As for research centers and the European networks, the driving need is on the one hand to be able to create a stable link with the fisheries and aquaculture operators through which to promote new awareness on the important role that these professions have on the marine environment and on the other build innovative proposals that can become a model to be replicated throughout Europe and also generate a strategic evolution of policies dedicated to the care and preservation of the seas. C. For fishery and aquaculture operators, on the professional front today, even if in many cases the inheritance of this activity persists to carry out the trade, one worker must be able to acquire and master a series of skills, both traditional and extremely innovative: today's fisherman can no longer operate without being informed and keep up to date on increasingly advanced navigation instruments, on the opportunities and limitations provided by both EU and national legislation, on environmental problems, on the sustainability of resources.For this reason, the project considers important to focus on increasing the skills of these figures, in particular on the environmental sustainability, a topic that significantly impacts on fishing activities.D. For trainers, tutors and representatives and trade unions in the sector there is a need of knowing how to manage the strong innovation boosts in the ""blue"" economy. New opportunities may also arise for the ""traditional"" sector of fishing, helping it to better face future challenges related to the sustainability of marine resources and the preservation of the environment.<< Objectives >>GREEN TO BLUE is a project strongly centred on environmental sustainability as it develops a strategy aimed at introducing environmental technical skills in the fishing and aquaculture sector with reference to the management of the marine environment and natural resources, the prevention of marine pollution through the collection of marine litter and the development of issues related to climate change. The production and implementation of a flexible and adaptable training offer to these workers will allow to strengthen the knowledge and skills levels of the fishing and aquaculture sector, thus adapting the training offer and the quality learning opportunities, in accordance with the green transition of professions. If we also consider the SDGs and specifically Objective 14 ""Conserving and using the oceans, seas and marine resources in a sustainable way for sustainable development"", it is essential to work for the acquisition of specific skills by those people who actively generate impact on the seas by directing them to a sustainable use of marine resources, including through sustainable management of fishing, aquaculture and tourism. Therefore, the goal of this action is to improve the professional environmental skills of adults working in the fishing and fish farming sector, especially in micro and SMEs, through a training course structured so as to be flexible and adaptable to their daily work and increase their awareness on environmental issues related to their professions.Yet fisheries and aquaculture sectors are experiencing difficulties in finding qualified employees – and the sector expect these difficulties to continue in the near future. This is due to:•a skills gap between education offer and labour market needs, especially with regards to environmental developments and innovation;•a lack of communication and cooperation between education and industry.For these reasons the consortium wishes to implement a common proposal to create a structured response, capable of addressing the needs of different actors involved in the creation of a training path, contributing to the diffusion of a more environment driven cultural approach in the sector, a raised capacity of VET organisations to provide this kind of competences and skills and a more structured relationship with scientific world that can bring significant innovations in the sector.A fundamental element is to increase lifelong learning opportunities, i.e. the fact that people of any age and throughout their life can train and adapt their skills in a manner consistent with social developments. So, access to re-skilling and up-skilling training opportunities must be guaranteed to everyone, regardless of age or starting conditions, because acquisition of competences and skills increase the opportunities for inclusion and contribute to the creation of a fairer society, which gives everyone the opportunity to determine their future.To make this possible, education and training systems must change and adopt new methods and approaches; their contribution is fundamental to assure high-quality and flexible skills and competences and therefore they too are required to change in order to achieve European objectives, especially those addressing environmental issues and adaptation to climate changes and this could be done easily through exchange of knowledges, competences, expertise among partners representing different MS and working in different type of organisations all interested in promoting the development of fishery and aquaculture sector and its innovation.<< Implementation >>The project will reach its objectives by realising an integrated working methodology that combines theoretical analysis with qualitative research and hands-on activities, based on a participative and bottom-up approach, which means active involvement - at any stage - of all the relevant actors, either project partners or external stakeholders. The intensive research part of the project (IO1), in charge to an academic institution such as the Erdogan University, will include a analyses and collection of best practices on 2 main topics:- Bi-directional dialogue between researchers and fishers/fish farmers: how to make fishermen and fish farmers “Sentinels of the sea” able to interact with scientific interlocutors;- Plastic waste collection and applied blue circular economy approaches: recognize the role of “ecological operator” for fishermen and fish farmers to protect the marine environment.Researches and good practices will be collected and analysed with documentation/interviews on national frameworks. Second phase after the draft definition of relevant competences/skills to be included in the training proposal, GREEN TO BLUE will listen to the opinions and requests of those that everyday experience on the ground the reality of working on this specific area of fishery and aquaculture, by gathering dedicated associations, federations and also workers in a series of 5 focus groups run by partners in IT, CR, TK, GR, FR . The University will furthermore provide an online questionnaire to be delivered by EUROPECHE to its associated members, in order to have also a wider EU perspective.The integration of these 2 elements, documental research, empirical research and exchange among stakeholders, will equip the experts of the partnership with a comprehensive picture of the state of the art upon which build an effective and well-targeted training and validation/certification methodologies (IO2 and 3). Significant and relevant indicators will be the outcomes of the studies and of the focus groups, measurable by reports delivered, while major milestones will be represented by the release of the provisional version of the training and validation/certification methodologies.Later, partners will test, in a real training environment, the interim achievements of IO2 and IO3, by training workers and representatives of fishery and aquaculture enterprises involved in 2 diversified training sessions so as to fine tune its contents and the validation of skills learned in the training. The finalisation of both Outputs will be done once again with a bottom up methodology and considering the trainers and trainees feedbacks. In fact, trainees of the pilot tests will give their feedback on how the trainingaddresses the professional needs for those involved in fishery and aquaculture and at the same time trainers and project partners will transform feedbacks in the final version of training programme and manual (IO2 and 3).In this phase, core indicators will be the attendance to the courses, measured by attendance certificates, while milestones will be the release of the revised edition of training and certification methodology. Another important activity is the one of dissemination, that will make GREEN TO BLUE known by the widest possible audience and its results integrated into policies and practices of the field in several nations. This purpose will be achieved by realising 7 multiplier events with stakeholders, 6 of them organised at local level – with the participation of VET providers and local community actors (to be intended as consumers for sector operators involved) to spread not just project results but also raise awareness on the topic of sustainability in the sea areas covered by the project. One of multiplier events is organised in the form of EU level conference, organised by EUROPECHE, representing a more institutional presentation of GREEN TO BLUE project objectives and results/impacts.<< Results >>The project aims to generate a change, first cultural, in the actors working with the sea and for the sea. Considering the sea not only as a productive area but also as a heritage to be safeguarded already determines a change of perspective for the future activities of the sector.As for results, GREEN TO BLUE project will realise the following:1. GREEN TO BLUE SKILLS FRAMEWORK: structuring a complete picture of the skills professionals from fisheriy and aquaculture sector should have to increasingly include the theme of sustainability understood in various meanings: economic, regulatory, environmental and climatic, safeguarding marine resources and also relationship between scientific research and the daily activities of workers. The framework will be useful for VET providers to adapt their training offer accordingly.2. GREEN TO BLUE TRAINING PROGRAMME: based on the skills framework, the consortium will propose a training program structure defining the contents corresponding to competences, the duration of the training modules, the expected results and the methodologies. The goal is the definition of 2 training courses equipping VET trainers, coach, tutors to implement actions in direction of : 1. representatives associations; 2. workers based on a ""training catalogue"" through which each worker can build his own personalized and flexible path.3. GREEN TO BLUE MANUAL & POLICY INDICATIONS: composed by two parts, a study and development of one or more VALIDATION/CERTIFICATION SYSTEMS related to the skills emerging from the project and applicable at EU level, POLICY INDICATIONS on how the role of fishermen and fish farmers of the future is essential for sustainable development.As for OUTCOMES:1. GENERATE AN OVERALL GREATER AWARENESS OF ALL THE ACTORS AROUND THE CONCEPT OF ""PRESERVATION OF THE SEA"": fishermen, aquaculture producers, companies, representative organizations, each for their own competence, are called from now to integrate environmental attention into the activities carried out. The training packages that the project intends to develop, as well as the certification practices, go in this direction. Environmental sustainability is an issue that must find a direct application in the working context passing, in the medium-long term, ""from awareness to action"". 2. GENERATE A NEW FIGURE OF FISHERMAN AND FISH FARMER, THAT OF “SENTINEL OF THE SEA”. This is not a radical change in the trade but a progressive recognition of the role of ecological operators of the sea and protectors of the marine environment that fishermen will increasingly have to take on. 3. CREATING SECTORAL DECISION-MAKING AND WORKING PRACTICES that take into account, increasingly, the presence of a network of actors with different skills, based on the two-way dialogue between fishermen, fishing organizations, research centres, agencies of local development, businesses, institutions, stakeholders."

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 2019-2-SE02-KA205-002578
    Funder Contribution: 67,460 EUR

    Express project has as general objective empower young migrants and refugees, creating and/or strengthening - where existing - supporting services for the development of self-enterprises by this target population. This goal will be reached also by strengthening the cooperation among all actors involved in the field of work integration of disadvantaged groups. In fact, employment is widely recognized as crucial factor for the integration of migrants into host societies at global level (OECD and European Commission, 2016), but it is still difficult to reach it by first generation migrants and refugees because of 3 main elements: skills, knowledge of specific context and existing networks, access to funding. To reach this general objective the partnership wants to implement an exchange of good practices in order to: 1) develop and reinforce networks, share and confront ideas, practices and methods among different type of organizations that are dealing or willing to approach work integration of young migrants/refugees through self-entrepreneurship; 2) collect all practices covering the entire value chain for self-entrepreneurship: a. competence assessment of young migrants/refugees; b. training on self-entrepreneurship; c. mentoring scheme; d. informative campaign; e. networking activities; f. support to access financing/social financing. 3) spreading knowledge, sharing results to promote project results. The project foresees specific communication and dissemination activities, because these are key elements to allow other organizations to benefit from the project and to activate local (regional/national) networks. Project activities are divided into 3 main steps: - Project Management and Dissemination activity: …..; - Transnational Project Meetings: their purpose is not just to monitor the realisation of project activities, but as opportunity to share knowledge and experience among partners and other stakeholders, since the hosting partner will organise a study visit at selected organisations. For this reason, each TPM has a specific focus, depending on the hosting organisation and his local networks expertise; - LTTA: fundamental to give a space for peer to peer confrontation on the key elements that make this kind of services successful, through an analysis of the work done within the TPM study visits and defining which are the axioms of a common model to be adopted by all partners' countries. Main results expected by the project and its implementation are: - Create a system of work for the future implementation of a wider network among actors in the field of work integration of migrants/refugees to make them work together and produce effective impact for quality employment and to give a contribution in the decrease of young migrants/refugees’ unemployment rates and social exclusion, especially in South European countries; - Increased capacity to work in European contexts and to participate/manage European Union funded project, furthermore create a network of organizations that could work beyond the lifecycle of the project itself; - Collect best practices at EU level in order to elaborate a common model to be experimented and adapted at local level to favor the empowerment of these target groups. At local level it’s important to share common practices drawn-up at EU level by partners, verifying their effective applicability, taking care of local legislation, custom habits, rate of migrants on local population and any other issue. The role of partners and their local network is to promote local and Regional policies to ease the implementation of best practices to adopt desired impacts, i.e. easing mentoring schemes of collaboration between employers and host associations, between financial intermediaries and beneficiaries willing a self-entrepreneurship route, among local associations to promote social insertion. To project, experiment and put on track an innovative model to deal with migrants and refugees will add substantial impact at local/regional level in any partners’ country and, combining similar experiences, the model will contribute to improve European migrants and refugees’ policy. The consortium operating in this project is composed by 8 partners (plus associated partners) and strongly enriched by their diversity, they represent different background and countries, size, type but all joining because of the willingness to support young people in finding their way in work and social life. Project partners have been selected mainly for their expertise and possibility to integrate each other, in fact they work in specific field of the imagined services value chain, in EXPRESS project are represented 2 VET organisations, 2 social enterprises, 1 EU network, 2 development agency, 1 foundation.

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 2021-1-IT01-KA220-VET-000033037
    Funder Contribution: 293,241 EUR

    << Background >>The COVID-19 pandemic impacted heavily on education and training systems and has accelerated the digital transformation and triggered rapid, large-scale change. This situation puts VET sector, in particular, in front of both challenges and opportunities: VET providers need to use the lessons of last year to step up efforts and gradually evolve from emergency-focused remote training to more effective, sustainable and quality digital learning, as part of creative, flexible, modern and inclusive training model. This pandemic exposed the shortcomings that need to be tackled to successfully integrate digital technologies in training systems and requires to rethink how training, in all disciplines, is designed and provided to meet the demands of a rapidly changing and increasingly digital world, considering how all phases of training processes can purposefully and strategically embed digital technologies into educational practices. It has emerged as a key enabling factor for effective digital training, among others, the NEED FOR TRAINERS AND VET STAFF IN GENERAL TO BE MORE CONFIDENT AND SKILLED IN USING DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY to support their teaching and adapted pedagogy and be prepared to collaboration and the sharing of good practice and innovative teaching methods.Furthermore, specifically in training dedicated to adult learners, there is a need for high-quality training content to boost the relevance, quality and inclusiveness of lifelong learning. Digital technology should be harnessed to facilitate the provision of flexible, accessible learning opportunities, including adult learners and professionals, helping them to re-skill, upskill or change careers, especially now that the pandemic has affected all economic sectors and is requiring for transversal changes that mirror in the labor market asking for new skills and competences.AGILE-2-VET project has been structured on these preconditions, reported by EC in the new Digital Education Action Plan 2021-2027, wishing to meet the general objective of contributing to the innovation of VET sector by strengthening the capacity of VET providers to deliver inclusive and high-quality digital education, focusing on developing the ability to implement online, blended and distance teaching and learning in collaboration with digital technology providers and experts in educational technologies and pedagogical practices.<< Objectives >>GENERAL OBJECTIVEAGILE-2-VET aims at contributing to innovation of VET sector by strengthening the capacity of VET providers to deliver inclusive and high-quality digital training. Main focus will be on developing the ability to implement online, blended and distance training and learning in collaboration with digital technology providers and experts in educational technologies and pedagogical practices.SPECIFIC OBJECTIVESThe AGILE-2-VET project moves along two strategic lines for the innovation of the professional training system in a digital learning key:1.On the one hand, work on enriching the skills of staff of VET providers, specifically trainers and tutors, in relation to the transition from face-to-face to remote training. In distance learning, especially in the third generation, the figure of the tutor has assumed a fundamental role within the training process alongside that of the trainer, arriving, in some cases, to become confused with it. In detail, work will have to be done on the creation of a common curriculum between trainers and tutors that will fill specific skills gaps:•technical skills, that is the ability to use technologies, network and tools available to deliver training courses;•facilitation skills, i.e. methodological, communicative, psychological skills, to make learners feel comfortable with virtual environments and avoiding the generation of entrance barriers, especially for older learners not used to digital training;•managerial skills, i.e. management of activities to define times and methods, provide feedback and monitor learners’ path through available digital technologies.2.On the other hand, to work on strengthening the collaboration between training institutions and companies providing digital technology and experts in educational and pedagogical practices, to structure training design models that can be used in the context of professional distance/online training, primarily aimed at adults and workers, useful for the development of innovative training proposals in digital / e-learning format. It is therefore necessary to try structure models applicable to different types of targets, which allow a profitable use of the digital component, thus making it enabling both for training professionals, but above all for persons who need to be trained, contribution to the attractiveness and flexibility of VET.<< Implementation >>AGILE-2-VET will reach its objectives by supporting the development of learning-outcomes-oriented training proposals that better meet the learning needs of adults, while also being relevant for the labour market and consequent need for reskilling for every worker or unemployed, through the implementation of a trans-disciplinary approach and innovative pedagogies, dedicated to foster a digital cultural approach, such as research-based learning which support the acquisition of transferable forward-looking skills. To reach this goal the project is set around an integrated working methodology that combines analysis with qualitative best practices research and hands-on activities, based on a bottom-up approach that fosters active participation of all relevant stakeholders, at any stage, being partners’ organisations, professionals and other actors working in the field (universities, VET providers, etc.).The project will be implemented through different activities, each with a specific importance:TPMs – Transnational Project Meetings: the in-presence and virtual meetings have two purposes, on one side ensure a correct project management, giving room to each partner to assess their status on the project and monitor effective implementation of project activities (space will be left to discuss implementation obstacles and find strategies to solve them), on the other side to be real working session, so to say active laboratories through which all partners can share views and expertise and work on a shared approach concerning digital learning and the need to assure quality and inclusive training. Os - Results/Outputs: these are the core of AGILE-2-VET project and will contribute to reach its main objective – strengthen the capacity of VET providers to deliver inclusive and high-quality digital education, focusing on developing the ability to implement online, blended and distance training and learning in a cross-sectoral collaboration among VET providers, universities and experts in educational technologies and pedagogical practices. During the results’ realisation, all partners will involve stakeholders at local level, setting the basis to create a fruitful network among different actors that can benefit from project implementation and transferability of AGILE-2-VET training proposal.ME – Multiplier Events: these events will allow the partnership to reach one of the most important goals for the project, communicate products (Os) achieved and raise awareness on the subject and on the tools proposed by project partners. These moments are opportunities to extend the project and its results and put the basis to develop new partnership for future sustainability of the action.<< Results >>Project activities can be divided into 3 steps that will generate 3 main results:- Step 1: analysis (result 1), composed by a desk research and field research activating relevant stakeholders to define the key features of online/distance learning and related competences to be possessed by VET staff;- Step 2: training model elaboration (result 2). Definition of competences, structure training programme and methodologies, addressed to increase competences to foster the acquisition of a digital cultural approach in VET;- Step 3: AGILE-2-VET experimentation and Manual (result 3), toolkit to support VET staff and professionals working in adult education in acquire relevant skills and competences to be able to provide high-quality and inclusive adult training.Some of the numbers that describe the project, in relation to target groups outreach:Nr. of trainers/tutors/training designers/VET staff involved – 50;Nr. of VET organisations involved (partners and other organisations) – 5;Nr. of external stakeholders involved (mainly in Multiplier events) – 200;Nr. of public administrations, local authorities and universities involved – 7.Furthermore, the following OUTCOMES will be achieved:1.Creation of a common Training Model that will allow the acquisition of competences and skills by trainers, tutors, training designers and VET staff in general, on new approaches of digital learning and training, with innovative and practical methodologies. This training model will benefit VET providers, but not only, since they will have available a Manual that will support them in their training elaboration and realisation and assess the acquisition of skills by their staff.2.Experimentation in the participating territories (partners’ countries) of the model by involving the recipients of the training in the conception and implementation of concrete training projects through a project work activity that will be immediately put on site after the end of the project.3. Increase capacity (competences and skills) of VET providers to design training proposals that enable the acquisition of competences of adult learners, so elaborating training proposals that are not only of high quality, but also inclusive so allowing real participation of adults in online training, defining the right mix of tools, methodologies and mechanics which does not represent a barrier to entry, but on the contrary favours the participation of different target groups in need of up-skilling/reskilling seen the enormous changes of labour market requests, whether they are highly skilled workers, workers with lower levels of competence or unemployed.4.Creation of a collaboration model – a community of practice - for the implementation of a network among VET organisations, universities, organisations of e-learning practitioners and multimedia educational producers, to stimulate them to work together and cross-fertilize competences and skills to give a contribution in the development of professionals, of VET sector in particular, able to facilitate the development of a shared digital culture in adult training, that can valorise their carriers and impact for high-quality training.5.Increased capacity to work in European contexts and participate/manage EU funded project, furthermore, create a network of different organisations that could work beyond the lifecycle of the project itself.

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 2019-1-IT02-KA203-062350
    Funder Contribution: 361,841 EUR

    "COMPETE! has as general objective the development of relevant and high-quality skills and competences supporting graduates in acquiring and developing soft skills and key competences, to foster their employability and socio-educational and personal development, in order to help them be actively involved in work and social life and overcome also the problem of recent graduates that enrol for jobs for which they are over-qualified in order to get into the labour market.To reach this objective the consortium wants to create a serious game, that will train graduates and young people at risk of unemployment to acquire the so called ""future skills"", which are a combination of cognitive, methodological, social and digital skills. The choice has been done because different institution at international level (e.g. The New Media Consortium), that have mapped innovation processes in education and training systems, highlighted the strong potential of games in education.COMPETE! has the aim of tackling skills gaps and mismatch through design and development of an educational/serious game involving directly students and other stakeholders, mainly universities and enterprises, in the elaboration of relevant learning outcomes and design of adapted learning, teaching and assessment approach. Project activities can be divided into 4 steps:- Step 1: field research (O1). Project partners will elaborate data collected through questionnaires and interviews to students/graduates and entrepreneurs to detect which are the key soft skills for accessing the labour market;- Step 2: desk research (O2). Study on gamification and serious gaming for education and training, that will give information and indications on how to develop an effective online game with educational purpose.- Step 3: game design, development, testing and validation (O3). - Step 4: COMPETE! training package and game manual (O4), that is a toolkit dedicated to professors and trainers, to support graduates and students approaching closure of their academic carriers in acquiring ""future skills"" to enter labour market in a proper way, being them also interested in developing their own enterprise.These steps will all generate a project Intellectual Output, that will be free and accessible to everyone interested in using tools and materials produced.Some of the numbers that describe COMPETE! project:- No. of graduates/students involved in O1 and O4 - 300;- No. of professors/trainers involved in O3/O4 - 30;- No. of enterprises involved to implement O1 - 450;- No. of university and VET organisations involved - 10;-No. of public administrations, local authorities and non-governmental organisations - 9Futhermore, the following RESULTS will be achieved:- Creation of a serious/edugame that will allow a more intuitive acquisition of soft skills from graduates and teachers/trainers to have a tool that will support them in teaching this particular subject and assess the acquisition of these skills by graduates;- Create a system of work/ a best practice for the future implementation of a wider network among university, VET organisations and enterprises to make them work together and produce effective impact for quality employment and to give a contribution in the decrease of youth unemployment rates, especially in South European countries;- Increased capacity to work in European contexts, furthermore creating a network of organisations that could work beyond the lifecycle of the project itself by activating local/national and EU networks and exploit tools produced to be integrated in universities, VET organisations and enterprises daily work and stimulate research and work in the field to promote a more “good and equal” labour market especially for young people;- Enlarge the opportunity for graduates to raise their skills and as consequence get aware of what are the needs and expectations of enterprises and to enter the world of work as active participant and achieve as much independence as possible;- Favour the acquisition of soft and entrepreneurial skills by young people trying to support those who wish to make their innovative entrepreneurial ideas become a reality by increasing their skills and proximity to market.The consortium operating in this project is composed by 9 partners (plus various associated partners) and strongly enriched by their diversity, they represent different background and countries, size, type but all joining because of the willingness to support young people in finding their way in work and social life. Project partners have been selected mainly in 3 different sectors: university, VET organisations, enterprises and their representation organisations. The choice reflects the objective of developing a network to reinforce cooperation between higher education institutions, VET organisations and employers or social enterprises on real-world problems, contributing to the increase of youth employment."


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