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USap e.V.

Country: Germany
4 Projects, page 1 of 1
  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 2021-1-TR01-KA220-YOU-000029263
    Funder Contribution: 144,152 EUR

    << Background >>Youth Entrepreneurship and Empowerment Project (YEEP) is a project to be implemented for young people between the ages of 18-29 living in Europe and belong to a minority group. It is a project that aims to increase the participation of minority youth in employment by improving their digital competencies and entrepreneurship skills in today's world where information and communication technologies are developing.Social exclusion and integration problems faced by minority groups living in Europe are among the difficulties young people encounter in their social lives. These problems, which young people living in the minority group are exposed to, bring along a big problem of not being included in the labor force.With YEEP, it is expected to find a solution to the problem of not being included in the labor force and not being able to take part in employment, which is caused by the social exclusion and integration problems of young people who migrated to Europe due to various reasons and who are in the minority group in Europe.<< Objectives >>It is aimed to minimize the problems of participation in the labor force by improving the entrepreneurship competencies and digital skills of young people between the ages of 18-29, who are among the target group of the project, thus increasing the employment participation rate of young people.<< Implementation >>2 project outputs will be produced within the scope of the project;The Entrepreneurship Training Module has been designed in a way that facilitates minority youth in Europe to step into entrepreneurship processes and change their perspective positively.At the same time, an E-Learning Platform aimed at improving entrepreneurship skills through gamification method for young people who cannot directly benefit from the project activities is among the project's intellectual outputs.The 4 LTT activities targeted to be carried out within the project have been designed to achieve the project's goals and objectives.It is planned to organize 2 multiplier events in order to promote the project and ensure its visibility.<< Results >>As a result of the project it is aimed to; Increase young minority members' participation in employment depending on their level of personal competence and skills training,Increase qualified young entrepreneurship in the region, increase the self-confidence of the target audience,Support the establishment of the enterprises by the target audience of the project, ensure that the entrepreneurship culture is spread,Enhance the knowledge of the target audience by including them in non-formal education activities.In the long run, it is planned to overcome the adaption problems of minority youth in society, and to contribute to European capital with the businesses and initiatives they will establish with a common European awareness.

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 2019-2-TR01-KA205-078687
    Funder Contribution: 126,801 EUR

    Key Education for NGO’s Programmes (KEOPS) project has been prepared to support young people and become prominent individuals in the society. The target group of this project; young people living in minority communities in Europe. According to the latest data, FUEN (Federal Union of European Nationalities) stated that there are more than 400 minority groups in Europe and 40 million people live as a minority. *Minority groups are seen as disadvantaged groups in the society due to language barrier, inequality in education and social cohesion. The most affected group in this situation are the young people. This project is presented in order to overcome the language barrier, to ensure equal opportunities in education and to facilitate the social adaptation processes of young people. The target group of the project are the youth in the age range of 18-29. The number of participants in each training was planned as minimum 10 and maximum 20. The total number of young participants in 6 different trainings was planned to be 80. This number may increase depending on the situation. The trainers who will give the training at the project will consist of a team of 7 people. For each thematic title, 7 trainers experts in their fields will participate in the project.Within the scope of the project, 6 different thematic areas were determined. These are; youth, education, health, environment, woman's rights and advocacy. Young people working in relevant fields will participate on the trainings in different European countries. In this way personal development gains will be provided and the equipment of NGO’s will be increased. The main aim is to enable young people to carry out youth work in the community, to become active citizens and to be advocates. It will be ensured that NGO’s serving these purposes will learn young approach techniques, use non-formal education methods as a tool and show sustainable development.The main output of this project are the training modules and booklets that will be a guide for young people and associations to use in the field of civil society. By the implementation of training modules, booklets will be prepared at the end of the project. The trainings covering the project activities are determined as Germany, France, Belgium, Netherlands and Austria. The reason for the selection of these European countries is that they are the countries that host the most minority groups. Another reason why these countries are selected for training is that they have developed state policies in the relevant thematic areas. In this way, young people who work in relevant thematic areas will have the opportunity to recognize more than one good practice examples and to perform joint work. The trainings will continue for 7 days. It has been observed that the information acquired by young people in practice-based learning styles is more efficient and lasting. Therefore, the methods to be used in the training will be composed of non-formal education methods. The practical application of theoretical knowledge will be shown by group studies which will include simulation techniques.During the project preparation process, civil society organizations located in Europe and organizing trainings were examined. (CONCORD - ASPIRE) the examined training modules were observed to be short term. It was sighted that the subjects were handled in maximum 3 different topics and the trainings were done by formal methods.* https://www.fuen.org/tr/avrupa-azinliklari/genel-bilgiler/

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 2021-1-TR01-KA220-YOU-000028820
    Funder Contribution: 142,664 EUR

    << Background >>There is a Muslim population of more than 21 million in a total of Western European countries in this day and age, including 6 in France, 5.5 in Germany, 1 million in the Netherlands, and 600 thousand in Austria. About 50% of Muslims come in possession of the equal rights of Western European countries where they live. In addition, migrating Muslims were neither a homogeneous community nor encountered a homogeneous society in the countries from which they came. They created hybrid cultural identities and international affiliation at different rates.Conducted researches in recent years have revealed that social, cultural, economic discrimination, and intolerance against Muslims, which is named Islamophobia, have increased. A survey published by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), which conducted extensive research on 23,500 people in 27 countries of the European Union, proves that not only one in three Muslims who live in these countries experienced discrimination definitely only in the last year but also one in ten Muslims have been subjected to assault or humiliation.The project, LET'S SAY STOP TO ISLAMOPHOBIA!, will be implemented for Muslim youth who are subjected to social exclusion and discrimination in Europe because of their religious opinions.The project aims are to develop a culture of Islamophobic awareness, narrow and immobilize the understanding of Islamophobia via innovative solutions, make society understand religion more accurately and consciously. By this means, it is aimed to gain a place in society for young people, to promote awareness of active citizenship, and to increase their social participation.<< Objectives >>The project, LET'S SAY STOP TO ISLAMOPHOBIA!, aims at empowering Muslim youth between the ages of 18-29 against Islamophobia, which continues to increase rapidly in Europe.The concrete objectives of the project are as follows:● Identify the problems experienced by Muslim youth in Europe and produce solutions to these problems,● Ensuring social inclusion of participants by promoting participants' self-esteem,● Addressing the sociological dimension of the concepts of Collective Identity and Individual Identity,● Reconstructing by identifying the usage of socio-cultural bias and tools,● Increase individuals' knowledge and qualification related to Islamophobia,● Creating a common European awareness to avoid cultural conflicts,● Ensuring the integration of the culture of tolerance with other religions,● Making an overwhelming impression about Islamophobia by reaching out to decision- makers across Europe,● Examining biased reporting and manipulation studies by analyzing the European media in terms of Islamophobia,● Ensuring cross-cultural interaction.<< Implementation >>The aim of the project is to develop a culture of Islamophobic awareness; to narrow and immobilize the understanding of Islamophobia through innovative solutions. One of the objectives of the project is to prevent the disadvantage of young people in the target audience due to the discrimination and exclusion they are subjected to in public life and to strengthen young people.Transnational Project Meetings: It is important to ensure coordination between project partners and to successfully manage the project.The distribution of tasks between project partners will be carried out in order to ensure the risk analysis, quality control, monitoring and sustainability of the project.Learning Teaching Training Activities (LTT): 4 LTT activities will be carried out within the scope of the project. LTTs will be carried out for the purpose of empowering young people.●Anti-Discrimination Training will ensure that the target group is empowered against discrimination and exclusion, one of the problems they face.●Active Citizenship Training will be carried out in order to identify the problems faced by young people in the target group, to combat them, and to increase their socio-cultural and political participation.●Intercultural Interaction Training: It will be carried out in order to develop the coexistence skills of Muslim youth, born / raised in a multicultural society structure, in order to ensure their social integration. It is seen as an important activity in terms of adopting a common European identity.●World Citizenship Training is planning on expanding empathy skills of the people who are taking places in the target audiences and train them in order to become individuals who can be open minded to universal values without losing their own culture and be aware of the difficulties in the worldMultiplier Event: 2 Multiplier Events will be held for the promotion, visibility and dissemination of the project outputs. It is planned to invite project stakeholders and representatives from related institutions and organizations to multiplier events. In this way, it is thought that a much higher social impact will be achieved.<< Results >>Project Results: 3 project outputs are planned within the scope of the project.●No Hate Speech Training Module: A peer-based training module will be developed among young people against Islamophobia and hate speech. The training module will also be implemented and disseminated after the end of the project. This output will be produced in order to prevent the disadvantage that young people experience due to discrimination and exclusion.●E-Learning Platform: An e-learning platform will be established aimed at increasing the level of knowledge and awareness of young people who cannot participate directly in the project activities and ensuring that young people have access to accurate information about Islamophobia.●European Research on Islamophobia: A report will be created that will examine the basic dynamics that directly or indirectly support the rise of anti-Muslim racism in Europe. This output will be produced for the purpose of narrowing and immobilizing the understanding of Islamophobia.The effects and results expected during and upon completion of the project are as follows:● Identify the needs, expectations, and problems of Muslim youth who are the target audience of the project,● Develop inclusive and innovative solutions to the exclusion, discrimination, violence, and prejudices faced by Muslim youth,● To raise awareness of young people against the hate speech faced in daily life and to strengthen their ability to conflict,● Increase the political, social, and cultural participation of young people,● Placing the perception of Islam and Muslim individuals in the correct framework,● Ensure cooperation between institutions working on Islamophobia and build coordination between all relevant institutions and organizations, ● Increase the level of knowledge of young people about the Erasmus + program and the European Union Youth Strategy,

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 2020-1-TR01-KA204-093295
    Funder Contribution: 158,745 EUR

    As stated in the 12 Principles of Good Democratic Governance, concepts such as participation, representation and fair rights in elections are seen as the ones that should exist for minority groups within European communities. Minority groups cannot be active in society due to various reasons such as social exclusion, being different, xenophobia and language barrier. It has become a necessity for the members of the minority group to become aware of active citizenship. Otherwise, they will continue to be a group left behind in terms of quality, competence and capacity from the society in which they are located.In the context of Erasmus+ priorities, this project aims to ensure the integration and social inclusion of groups that have migrated to Europe for various reasons or who have become minorities for different reasons. The project aims to increase the qualifications and participation, regarding active citizenship, of individuals and groups living in minority groups in different European countries. The target group of this project are minority groups living in Europe. Social exclusion and inadequate social participation compared to the general population are the main issues that minority groups have difficulties in social life. For this reason, it is aimed for the target audience of the project to learn active citizenship and take action on this issue. The project aims to encourage minority groups on active citizenship and to provide guidance for social participation. It envisages to raise awareness and increase the qualifications of adults who are inadequate in the implementation of active citizenship in social life among minority groups.The Active Citizenships for Minority Groups project has the following priorities of Erasmus+:- Improving and extending the supply of high quality learning opportunities tailored to the needs of individual low-skilled or low-qualified adults - Social Inclusion- Responsible citizenship- EqualityThis project written in the field of adult education has 4 partners. 3 partners are experienced associations established by minority groups in different European countries and operating in the field of education. The partner association in Turkey has experience in carrying out KA2 projects and develops educations with non-formal techniques for young people and adults. Project activities will be held in France (EFA), Belgium (Diaspora 1964), Germany (USap e.V.) and Turkey (Civil Life Association) where the partners are located. 1- Learning, Teaching, Training (LTT)C1- Participation in Life: It will be held with 25 people in France under the coordination of YTB. It includes information about organizational capacity development, non-formal education methods, Erasmus+ applications. C2- We're Researching and Learning: It will be held with 25 people in Germany under the coordination of USap e.V. Reports and declarations published on minority rights will be examined. Papers such as the European Declaration of Human Rights, EU Progress Reports, the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities etc. will be treated using non-formal techniques.C3- Art of International Advocacy: It will be held with 25 people in Belgium under the coordination of Diaspora 1964. Topics such as social media and advocacy, digital citizenship, advocacy and lobbying history will be covered.C4- You Can Be Light With Your Knowledge: It will be held with 25 people in France under the coordination of EFA. Training of trainers will be carried out after the creation of the intellectual output named Active Citizenship Education Module. Trainers will be able to provide training on active citizenship, advocacy and rights in the field. 2- Multiplier Events: Two activities have been planned in order to expand the activities and present them as an example of good practice.-Let's Be an Active Citizen (It will be held in Germany under the coordination of USap e.V.)-Minority Rights Talks (It will be held in Belgium under the coordination of Diaspora 1964)3-Intellectual Outputs : Different intellectual outputs of the project will be created. Intellectual outputs will be uploaded to the EPALE system for dissemination and sustainability.O1- Perception Research (It is a survey and analysis study to be developed under the leadership of USap e.V.)O2- Active Citizenship Education Module (It is an education booklet and model work to be developed under the leadership of the Civil Life Association.)O3- Sustainable Online Education (It is an e-learning platform to be developed under the leadership of YTB.)4- Transnational Project Meetings (TPM)-Kick off Meeting-Mid-term Evaluation Meeting-Closing Meeting


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