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Country: Portugal


874 Projects, page 1 of 175
  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 2021-1-ES01-KA210-SCH-000031425
    Funder Contribution: 60,000 EUR

    << Objectives >>1. Design of BuildYourRobot Hackathon: 3-day Hackathon open to students aged 12-16 from different European countries. The challenge will be building a robot, with the components and materials provided by the organising team, in 3 days to solve an ecological problem.2. Establishment of network: The project partners will create a support network for the project.3. Execution of BuildYourRobot Hackathon.<< Implementation >>1: BuildYourRobot Hackathon planning. The event will also be tested at local level. 2: BuildYourRobot Training programme for coaches. To help students' teams during the hackathon. 3: BuildYourRobot Stakeholder network. To support the organisation, dissemination and impact of the event. 4: BuildYourRobot Hackathon. To solve an ecological challenge using technology.<< Results >>1. BuildYourRobot Hackathon event designed and ready to be used by other organisations.2. Training programme for coaches, also available to other organisations. 3. Network of stakeholders supporting the event. 4. Hackathon with a minimum of 14 participants from, at least, 2 countries. 5. Solutions to challenges and motivated students and teachers towards digitalisation and STEAM.

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 2018-1-AT01-KA229-039246
    Funder Contribution: 47,376.7 EUR

    The main objectives of the project 'Working within the European Union and the importance of intercultural business behaviour' is that the students should be encouraged to apply for a workplace or a university place in a foreign country. The participating students should reflect their own plans and wishes for their future but also get to know those of the partner students. The participants should figure out requirements of working abroad and what authorities can be consulted for help. An additional objective is to get to know a foreign education system, a foreign economy and a different culture as well as making new friends. The students exchange will improve the knowledge of a foreign language and they will gain personal experience in a foreign country. The partners are the BHAK Korneuburg in Austria, a business secondary college, and the Agrupamento de Escolas Marcelino Mesquita do Cartaxo in Portugal. Both schools provide business and vocational education. 45 students are selected to take part in this project. The participants are 16 to 19 years old. There are 2 teachers from each school who are in charge of this project. Activities and methodology: - The main activity is the students exchange (stay in Austria and stay in Portugal), which is prepared and evaluated in both schools within the student's lessons. - A survey about plans for the future and wishes of the youth is organised and run in both schools. A questionnaire will be designed, carried out and analysed. The results are presented to the other school and to the public. - The students have to organise interviews with people working, studying or living abroad. An interview guideline has to be developed and interviews have to be carried out. The results are presented to the partners and as well as the public. - Additionally the students attend company visits and presentations of business topics and interculturall business behaviour to get to know the foreign economy system and labor market. - To experience differences between the cultures the participants take part in sightseeing tours and a culture and social programm is organised as well. The following results or impacts envisaged are expected: - A questionnaire about plans for the future and wishes of the youth and its analysis. - An interview guideline with people working, studying or living in a foreign country and a presentation of the summary of the results - Summaries of the company presentations, interviews with experts, company visits and Europass - cultural and personal experience the participants got through the visit and sightseeing tours as well as thourgh the cultural programm - improved foreign language skills - new friends The potential longer term benefit for the participating students is: - possibility to get to know a foreign school- and education-system and to collect important experience of staying in a foreign country During the project they acquire knowledge regarding: - how to prepare for a work placement or studying abroad - how does the Austrian and Portugese economy and labor market work - how important is intercultural business behaviour - how to design a questionnaire - how to create an interview handbook The participants learn about foreign cultures and traditions so that they become more open minded and tolerant All activities help to improve the knowledge and practice of the world language English The students are encouraged to apply for a work placement or university place in a foreign country after graduation, so they will have more chances to find a job in domestic companies. So this project will help to lower the unemployment rate of young adults. All acitivities will help to find intertnational friends and they will gain valuable social experiences. Going abroad should improve the students' independence and self-confidence. The sustainable benefit for the teachers involved is that they learn about different school and education systems and that there is the possibility for an educational exchange between the partner schools. Teachers will acquire teaching techniques which they will apply in their lessons. Additionally the teachers will be motivated to organise new European projects. The general public will get informed about the results of the project, the perception of the schools will be improved and new students might be attracted in the future.

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 2022-1-PT01-KA210-VET-000080760
    Funder Contribution: 60,000 EUR

    << Objectives >>The main objective of this project is to reorient education and learning so that VET teachers have the opportunity to acquire knowledge, skills, values and attitudes with which they can contribute to sustainable development.To provide VET teachers with resources and teaching methods that facilitate the teaching-learning process on environmental issues.To support the environmental training of the educational community through the training of VET teachers on environmental issues.<< Implementation >>➢Educational VET Handbook “Towards a sustainable education in the VET system”: It consists of a handbook to provide VET teachers with guidelines on how to integrate sustainable development in the classroom.➢Training course on environment and sustainability in the field of VET education: VET teachers will be trained on priority topics related to sustainable education and the SDGs.➢Conference on “Sustainable education in VET community” which serves as an raising awareness event for VET teachers<< Results >>➢Provision of tools and resources to VET teacher so that they can integrate sustainable development goals in the classroom.➢Training of VET teachers on sustainable development in the field of education through the acquisition of new knowledge and competences➢Raising awareness on the importance of Sustainable Development in VET education. ➢Favour the generation of new measures and initiatives within the framework of 2030 Agenda in the field of VET education.

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 2018-1-HU01-KA229-047791
    Funder Contribution: 51,966 EUR

    The need for this project was a common desire of both halves in the partnership. They chose music for their theme and its eploration in the past and the present. It was clear for them that pupils nowadays do not pay much attention towards learning music and singing and they are not so motivated in that. It was the reason to create this programme in which we wanted to get familiar with new teaching methods and as a result through these methods we could regain children’s motivation and enthusiasm. In the realiziation of this task the first step was to find partners in the European Union who had best practices in teaching music and singing. The participants showed and shared these new pedagogic methods and the well-known Kodály-method. Originally the project was planned for two years and divided into two part. The aim of the first one was presenting the past and the second one was to deal with music in the present. The origin of music is folk songs so we examined them together with folk dances and the traditional instruments which are rarely used these days. Connected to folk songs the children created presentations about folk songs, their features, and they also talked about folk song collectors. They sang not only their own folk songs but they collected information (text and notes) and sent these to their pals abroad. So the children had the chance to learn foreign folk songs which was challenging to them. In a strong connection with folk songs the pupils learnt their own folk dances and during the mobilities they taught the steps to their friends and danced together. During some activities they could listen to lectures about the origin and features of folk instruments.In the second year the pupils gathered information about modern music. They also created portfolios about modern musical instruments and modern music. They introduced their favourite bands and singers. The pupils could show their talent in Just Dance competition and a Cup song contest. As a result of the Covid-19 crisis the final few months of the project were postponed. In the prolonging we searched for the best way to complete the project. Originally we intended to perform a musical for which the pupils already found and learnt music but the series of lockdowns made it difficult and had to be modified. Unfortunatelly the final meeting where the musical would have been showed was dismissed and as a result the final products a musical video and performance were realized by the involved partners in the home countries. All the listed activities raised children’s motivation and enthusiasm. During the joint work their understanding in mother tongue and in the target language increased. They made good partnerships abroad. Taking part in the mobilities the pupils introduced the result of their research and how they learn music and singing. They stayed at host families during the project meetings so they had a glance in the everyday life of a foreign family. They had to use the English to make themselves understood and express their feelings and thoughts. They could be part of another culture which enriched their inner world. The teachers had a significant role in the project as they fulfilled the role of facilitators who helped the pupils during the realization of the project tasks. The colleagues also could get familiar with new teaching methods and they tried to insert these good practices in their everday work to make their lessons vivid. This way our aims in methodological renewal were carried out.The cooperation between the partners was the base for another common project with extended topic with more partners. We think participating in cross-border programmes all the involved people (children, colleagues and parents) benefited and made use of the experiences and became open minded and rich in emotions and active citizens of the European Community.

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 2019-1-DK01-KA229-060255
    Funder Contribution: 4,500 EUR

    For centuries schools have focused on educating students to become responsible citizens and to make a difference on a global scale. As the focus on climate changes has risen, we find it highly important to encourage the students to take action and thereby make a difference for their generation and more to come. We will make climate play an important part in our project due to the major media attention. Through the project ‘Global Goals Generation’ they can make this difference through civic engagement, international cooperation and increased knowledge about the Global Goals through working intensively with them. We need a learning environment where students can learn in an active, engaging and different way. This can only be possible when involving the surrounding community and partner country in making a difference on climate and sustainability through activities where the students will see the purpose of their work when they realize that their work do matter on a global level. To get an open view on Global Goals it is important that schools can learn from each other and the students will be able to see things in a larger perspective.We will create a common European community, through the project, that respects differences in both opinions, people and cultures without prejudice in order to shape them as responsible European Citizens. By letting the students participate in a project like this, they will gain an insight into another European country and how their schools are organised. We want to prepare students for the challenges of the future in working with the Global Goals and work on their basic skills and key competences as well as their language skills. When working targeted with the Global Goals together with students from another country they will gain a better understanding of the situation around the world, but specifically in their own country and partner country and their intercultural competences will be necessary to understand and deal with the cultural differences.During the project we have student meetings where the students will meet new teaching methods, share their work and experiences. They will be asked to reflect on their newly gained knowledge. Teachers will exchange good practices, inspire each other, develop their skills and participate in workshops to upgrade their daily practice as well as their knowledge on inclusion and the Global Goals.As the involved schools both have experience in working with inclusion of children with special needs this will be an important focus in the staff group.Not only students and teachers are important participants of the project. The headmasters of the schools, local politicians and external partners are to be involved to support and facilitate the changes suggested by the student. We are involving partners outside the schools because their contributions and good ideas can inspire us in our work with the project.This project can help to change the mindset for the youth generation on how they should treat their surroundings to ensure a sustainable and safe planet. The results of the project should help enlighten and inspire future young generations to make a difference on climate and sustainability.


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