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The rise of right-wing populism in Central Europe coincides with the revival of pan-ideologies. Cases of Turanism promoted by the ruling party in Hungary and Pan-Slavism popular among right-wing activists in Slovakia pose a need to study these intellectual projects simultaneously in comparative and historical perspectives. The common feature of these competing traditions is a contradictory combination of racism and self-orientalism. Adepts of Turanism and Pan-Slavism often define themselves as belonging to a non-European race and simultaneously sympathize with typical far-right consensus on white supremacy. Why are pan-ideologies rooted in outdated pseudo-scientific theories so popular among right-wing populists of Central Europe today? To answer this question, we need to conduct a multidisciplinary study combining social anthropology and history. The proposed project aims to understand how modern adaptations of pan-ideologies differ from the original versions popular in the first half of the 20th century; and how these transformations correlate with the aims and resources (such as access to state institutions) of the ideologues. The novelty of the research project includes the suggestion to look at right-wing ideologies as phenomena embedded in the colonial and postcolonial history of the region. I propose to study Turanism and Pan-Slavism as products of contact zones, co-evolving and constantly influencing each other and affected by overlapping colonial regimes and postcolonial conditions. Following the guidelines of the Horizon Europe Programme to support social cohesion and inclusiveness, we need to conduct a focussed study of processes of polarization. The research project aims to explain how pan-ideologies attract new followers and why they are becoming popular again since the beginning of the last century.
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The proposed action contributes to tackling of a pressing challenge faced by the EU, which is finding new birth policies that would be effective in countering demographic decline. It does so by evaluating the impact of a new type of family policy (pregnancy benefit) on fertility behaviour (births and abortions) and on child health at birth. This is a unique research opportunity as pregnancy benefits are very rare. The evaluation will be conducted using high-quality, population-wide, administrative microdata and state-of-the-art microeconometric models. The project is inherently interdisciplinary, as it connects economics with demography, public policy, sociology, and women’s reproductive rights. The action includes intersectoral transfer of knowledge. First, the secondment institution conducts policy-relevant research tailored for the needs of the government and other public bodies. Second, the non-academic placement will occur in an NGO promoting gender equality and women's rights. The novelty of this research is threefold. First, it evaluates the impact of a novel prenatal cash transfer on fertility (as opposed to traditional postnatal policies). Second, it contributes to understanding of abortion-seeking behaviour (which is rarely done). Third, it evaluates the impact of an earmarked, non-means-tested transfer, on child health at birth (which has not been done previously). The proposed policy evaluation is important in the context of: [1] tackling demographic decline in the EU – a threat to long-term sustainability of public finances; [2] supporting cost-effective policy-making – evaluating effectiveness of costly family policies and choosing the best ones is useful for the tax-payer; [3] fostering gender equality – the evaluated anti-abortion policy is not restricting women’s reproductive rights. This project will strengthen the ERA, as it will be executed in a low R&I performing country. Currently, no economists in Slovak academia specialize in family policies.
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Due to a high sustainability and to a straightforward tunability of the energy input (wavelength, redox potential), the use of light and electricity for the activation of organic molecules constitutes an attractive method in the toolkit of the organic chemist. Consequently, photochemistry and electrochemistry are both undergoing a renaissance in the recent decade, mainly in the form of photo- and electro- catalysis. Both of these activation modes share many traits, as they proceed via single electron transfer mechanisms. It is obvious that a method which would combine both photo- and electro- catalysis can take advantage from these similarities, while alleviating the problems encountered with application of photo- or electro- catalysis alone. Yet, combination of these two activation modes was seldom achieved so far. The objective of this action is to develop a catalytic system, which combines photochemical and electrochemical steps in order to achieve the required reduction potential for the activation of challenging substrates. The work will be initiated with a computational benchmarking study aimed at to identify the best available method for the theoretical prediction of redox potentials. This will allow for a rational design of catalytic systems, and eventually the tailoring of a set of new catalysts to specific photo-electro catalytic transformations. To achieve optimal reaction conditions, different cell designs will be tested for a photo-electrochemical test reaction. Finally, the optimized cell and the new catalysts will be applied in radical cyclizations of demanding substrates. The HI is able to provide both equipment as well as know-how in a broad variety of fields, which is imperative for such an interdisciplinary project. The project will boost the fellow’s research skills and help him to kick-start his independent research career in Slovakia.
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