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Country: Italy
25 Projects, page 1 of 5
  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 646125
    Overall Budget: 13,083,100 EURFunder Contribution: 9,861,610 EUR

    Integration of distributed small/medium size storage systems can allow operating distribution grids much more flexibly, thus realizing smart grid features like local demand-supply balancing, congestion relief, peak shaving and effective RES integration. However, few technologically mature decentralized storage systems are commercially available today at affordable prices, while both viable business models and the underlying legal and regulatory framework are lagging behind. As an answer ELSA will implement and demonstrate an innovative solution integrating low-cost second-life Li-ion batteries and other direct and indirect storage options, including heat storage, demand-side management, as well as use of intermittent RES. The core idea is to consider Storage as a Service towards building and district managers for local energy management optimization, and towards DSO for enhanced network operations. ELSA will adapt, build upon, and integrate close-to-mature (TRL>=5) storage technologies and related ICT-based energy management systems for the management and control of local loads, generation and single or aggregated real or virtual storage resources, including demand response, in buildings, districts and distribution grids. Data models ensuring interoperability among building, districts and DSOs and novel business models enabled by energy storage “as-a-service” will be developed. Different configurations will be demonstrated along six test sites, where a set of different storage technologies will be integrated. Safety issues and social acceptance will be dealt with by communication and product reliability demonstration. A technical, economic and environmental validation, involving relevant stakeholders, will be carried out to nurture the European-wide replication of the ELSA concept, prepare the ground for a concrete roll out of the resulting TRL9 technologies and provide input for regulatory framework adaptation.

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 609211
  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 957788
    Overall Budget: 8,233,500 EURFunder Contribution: 6,965,520 EUR

    The project HYPERRIDE (HYbrid Provision of Energy based on Reliabilty and Resiliancy via Integration of Dc Equipment) contributes to the field implementation of DC and hybrid ACDC grids. Starting with the definition of most relevant fields of application for DC grids (local microgrids, grid enforcement to overcome congestions, coupling of AC grid sections, etc.), the enabling technologies will be specified in detail on different levels. Starting from the system perspective, guidelines for grid planning and operation are developed. To optimize invest for the use case dependent use of assets available sizing tools are adapted for the field of DC grids.DC circuit breakers are key technologies for grid protection needed to overcome the main concerns related to these infrastructures. Therefore, HYPERRIDE will raise the TRL of the most promising approaches currently available with a main focus on MVDC breakers. To enable grid automation DC sensors are developed further to provide field ready devices to create data for optimal grid automation. Automation algorithms will be created, validated in a test platform and transferred towards demonstration. This also involves concepts and solutions for cyber security and fault detection. In case of grid faults necessary solutions are developed to prevent cascading effects. For fault prevention databases are created to trigger preventive measures. With demonstrations in three countries (Aachen/Germany, Lausanne/Switzerland, Terni/Italy) the project will showcase relevant and above-mentioned enabling technologies within a wide range of use cases. Benefits of the solutions will be evaluated, especially the integration potential of renewables with respect to conventional AC grids. Finally, business models are created for the products, services and applications in HYPERRIDE.Consequently, HYPERRIDE will actively identify and provide solutions to overcome barriers for a successful roll-out of new infrastructure concepts throughout Europe.

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 774478
    Overall Budget: 3,822,120 EURFunder Contribution: 3,822,120 EUR

    Smart automated Demand Response (DR) represents a valid alternative to grid reinforement for electricity Distribution System Operators (DSOs) to procure in a cost-effective way the necessary flexibility for integrating larger shares of intermittent RESs, while not compromising security of supply and network reliability. However DR potential has been exploited so far to a very limited extent due to a number of technological, regulatory, economic barriers. To cope with these challenges, eDREAM will develop and make available a novel near real time DR scalable secure blockchain-driven technological and business framework aimed to optimize aggregated system services flexibility provisioning to DSOs. The project will research and develop tools and services for: i) optimal DR system design, which includes early detection of flexibility potential via multimodal fusion of aerial, LIDAR and thermal imaging, end users profiling and segmentation by leveraging on big data clustering and large data sets visual interactive exploration and DR optimization services for energy end users; ii) optimal DSO-driven Demand Response management, including novel applications of blockchain decentralized ledger for secure data handling, market-based microgrid control and near real time closed loop DR verification aimed to improve system observability and enable fair DR financial settlement. Novel flexibility market and services/products design, as well as cooperative DSO-aggregator business models enabled by incentive sharing will validate the eDREAM DR technical concept from the economic perspective. The eDREAM technologies will be extensively validated in a lab-based pilot (Greece), followed by two field pilots, a C&I VPP-based optimal aggregated flexibility management in UK and a mixed stationary and movable (EVs) loads flexibility microgrid-level optimized flexibility management in Italy.

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 779984
    Overall Budget: 4,491,050 EURFunder Contribution: 4,491,050 EUR

    SOFIE addresses the challenges of the call by creating a secure and open IoT federation architecture and framework. We use Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), including blockchains and inter-ledger technologies, to enable actuation, auditability, smart contracts and management of identities and encryption keys, and to enable totally decentralised solutions with virtually unlimited scalability. We address the fragmentation of IoT through federation rather than integration. Virtually any IoT platform can join the federation by creating, relatively simply, an adapter. Data remains in the respective IoT platforms and is usable by all the applications within the limits set by the applicable security and privacy policies. We exercise security and privacy by design. We provide end-to-end security, key management, authorisation, accountability, and auditability, utilising DLTs where applicable. The user shall retain control over their data also after the data have been stored in the Cloud or Fog in an EU GDPR (or other regulations) compliant manner. We base our work on existing open standards, interfaces and components, such as FIWARE, W3C Web of Things (WoT), and oneM2M. We will select existing components, develop new ones, and collect them — together with documentation, instructions and examples — into an IoT federation framework for creating administratively decentralised, open, and secure IoT business platforms from existing IoT platforms. We will demonstrate the practicality of our approach by using it in three pilots in three different sectors: food chain, gaming, and energy market. Three business platforms will be realised for the pilots. The results of the pilots will be evaluated against the key performance indicators. We actively participate in standardisation and disseminate our results through scientific journals, conferences, and workshops, but also the Web, social media and developer communities. We also aim to make at least two of the pilots sustainable.


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