This project aims at buidlgin biodiversity scenarios for savannas. Savannas are an important ecosystem worldwide (20% of land surfaces), are currently under threat and pose many difficulties in their modelling. Savannas are under the control of climate, but also of fire regime and grazing, which are sometimes more important drivers than climate in shaping ecosystem structure, function and dynamics. The consortium of this project groups ecologists and socio-economists from 5 continents, spanning all the diversity of savanna systems worldwide. The project will perform the following tasks: 1. Synthesis of savanna models as a generic conceptual framework for savanna ecosystems. 2. Synthesis of current knowledge on savanna biodiversity. 3. Synthesis of current knowledge on interactions between socio-economic activities and savanna dynamics in order to select relevant scenarios. 4. Analysis of the decision process in environmental problems. 5. Generation of biodiversity scenarios. 6. Identification of gaps requiring further research. This project is a unique opportunity to group such an expertise on savanna ecosystems and on interaction between science and decision-making.
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