<< Objectives >>1 improved reception phase of fragile learners2 learning new teaching methods/tools4 reduced problems in multi-ethnic classes5 skilled and stable team of FLE/Italian teachers6 management of multi-ethnic and multi-generational classes7 internationalization of 2 NGOs8 growth of 2 NGOs (new courses,exchange of good practices)9 inclusion of people with fewer opportunities10 Team building dispelling prejudices11 Inter-generational peer learning among teachers12 Promoting inclusion&diversity<< Implementation >>- Didactic kit to learn the language in creative way where the shops of Naples/Bruxelles are recreated in photos with images of standard FR/IT terms, local products/cultural content. Teachers/migrants/prisoners can improve linguistic skills.-Manual of 10 best practices for inclusion of fragile learners and a confrontation of Italian/Belgium teaching methods.- Piloting course with 20 adult students in each country- Videoguide with teachers of FLE/Italian with useful advices and best practices<< Results >>-a strict cooperation among peers from the 2 countries will improve our daily work in multi-ethnic and multi-generational classes and our local growth and international cooperation.-learners will be more confident improving linguistic skills with a consequent better inclusion-teachers will experiment new methodologies and inclusion best practices with collegues from another country and different age range (young/middle-age)-improved visibility will attract more members/beneficiaries/targets
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