The “FeelSpeech” project will provide proof of concept of a novel prosthesis that will allow people with hearing loss to better understand speech. The prosthesis will be worn on the wrist and will resemble a wristwatch. A special, novel kind of tactile stimulation called “microstroking” provided by the device will supplement what a person hears, and this information will be unconsciously made use of by the user’s brain, providing improved speech perception even when the user has almost lost all hearing.
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The Congenital Lipomatous Overgrowth, Vascular Malformations, Epidermal Nevi, Scoliosis/Skeletal and Spinal (CLOVES) syndrome is a genetic disorder due to a gain of function mutation of the PIK3CA in a mosaic fashion. This rare condition is associated with severe deformation and poor survival. We identified a new drug able to dramatically improve the outcome of patients with this rare disease. The purpose of the Proof of Concept grant is to better understand the molecular effect of this drug and to rapidly accede to Orphan drug designation.
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