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4 Projects, page 1 of 1
  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 2016-1-BE04-KA205-001818
    Funder Contribution: 85,311 EUR

    Le projet « Construisons une éco-citoyenneté transfrontalière » a regroupé des travailleurs de jeunesse et des acteurs du volontariat issus des 4 pays et des 6 régions qui forment la Grande-Région : la Lorraine en France, le Luxembourg, la Rhénanie-Palatinat et la Sarre en Allemagne, la Wallonie et la Communauté Germanophone en Belgique. Ensemble nous avons échangé sur nos bonnes pratiques et méthodes de travail pour aboutir au développement d’un nouveau programme indépendant d’engagement éco-citoyen à destination des jeunes de la Grande-Région : le Service éco -Citoyen Écologique en Grande Région. Nous nous sommes concentrés donc sur la mobilité en région transfrontalière, l’engagement volontaire des jeunes, l’éducation au développement durable et l’environnement, l’émergence d'une conscience éco-citoyenne en Grande Région. Au travers de ce projet nous avons mieux développé nos connaissances, compétences et coopérations en matière d’engagement volontaire dans nos différents pays, en mettant l’accent sur les thématiques de l’environnement et de l’éducation au développement durable. Voici les résultats tangibles développes au cours du projet de partenariat stratégique : 1) Une formalisation du réseau des acteurs du volontariat et des travailleurs de jeunesse en Grande Région 2) Une transférabilité des bonnes pratiques dans les régions partenaires : nous avons réellement échangé sur nos bonnes pratiques. 3) Une plus grande mobilité et un meilleur échange entre les jeunes de la Grande Région, à l’intérieur de ce territoire.4) La mise en place d’un programme d’engagement éco-citoyen de longue durée, ancré sur le territoire de la Grande Région. Basé sur la phase expérimentale de Service Citoyen Écologique en Grande Région, nous sommes en train de développer le projet grâce au programme de Service Volontaire Européen. 5) Développement d’une coopération et d’un projet modèle pour d’autres régions transfrontalières en Europe.

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 688363
    Overall Budget: 2,000,410 EURFunder Contribution: 2,000,410 EUR

    The overall objective of hackAIR is to develop and pilot test an open platform that will enable communities of citizens to easily set up air quality monitoring networks and engage their members in measuring and publishing outdoor air pollution levels, leveraging the power of online social networks, mobile and open hardware technologies, and engagement strategies. The hackAIR platform will enable the collection of data from: • measurements from existing air quality stations and open data • user-generated sky-depicting images (either publicly available geo-tagged and time-stamped images posted through social media platforms, or images captured by users • low-cost open hardware devices easily assembled by citizens using commercial off-the-shelf parts A data fusion algorithm and reasoning services will be developed for synthesising heterogeneous air quality data into air quality-aware personalised services to citizens. The hackAIR platform will be co-created with the users, and offered through: • a web application that communities of citizens will be able to install and customize • a mobile app that citizens can use to get convenient access to easy-to-understand air quality information, contribute to measurements by an open sensor, or by taking and uploading sky-depicting photos, and receive personalised air quality-aware information on their everyday activities The hackAIR platform will be tested in two pilot locations, with the direct participation of a grassroots NGO with >400.000 members and a health association with >19.000 members. Appropriate strategies and tools will be developed and deployed for increasing user engagement and encouraging behavioural change. The usability and effectiveness of the hackAIR platform, and its social and environmental impact will be assessed. A sustainability and exploitation strategy will pave the way for the future availability of the hackAIR toolkit, community and website, and explore opportunities for commercial exploitation.

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 2018-2-BE05-KA205-002488
    Funder Contribution: 102,167 EUR

    Environmental and social justice movements are growing globally and are an intrinsic part of influencing decision making spaces internationally and nationally. Nevertheless, accessibility to be an active and politically aware young citizen is often defined by one’s education, geographical placement, class, gender, religious beliefs or privilege in general. This is not an exception in climate action movement. To change this, we used popular education and youth empowerment tools to advance youth work for better inclusion of marginalised community members into campaigns, activities and strategic work planning of environmental youth organisations, as well as wider civil society movements in Europe and ensure that we involve voices of those who are least heard in decision and policy making spaces. Through an initial mapping exercise, the project has identified the substantial gap between well established youth climate justice groups and front line communities in Europe which are directly impacted by environmental injustice. The project Youth and Communities for Environmental Justice (YCEJ) brought together 10 youth climate justice organisations across Europe (based in Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Germany, Ireland, Latvia, North Macedonia, Norway, Scotland and Spain) and created the link between them and the local frontline communities affected by environmental injustices. Three key thematic issues, affecting key target groups in European countries were identified: 1) Communities affected by development of large scale projects and large-scale land deals ‘land-grabbing’ (including mining and big energy projects); 2) Rural communities whose livelihoods are being threatened by changing climate patterns locally; 3) Communities impacted by the energy transition, such as workers and communities with cultural and economic links to the fossil fuel industry. Partner organisations have been strategically clustered to work on the issues which are particularly relevant in their respective national and local contexts. In the first part of the project, nearly 100 youth activists and organisers of the these youth organisations - and several other organisations in certain training events - were trained in transnational training events (including on the three above-mentioned topics) on community organising and anti-oppressive organising, with a strong intersectionality prespective. After having extensively built their capacity and gained transferable skills for inclusive organising, running campaigns, working with groups and advocating their causes, youths systematically involved people of under-represented frontline communities into their campaigns for environmental justice, with the aim of amplifying their voices in the national decision and policy making frameworks as well as raising awareness on the issues, which are often unnoticed by the general population. Partners of the project organised 35 activities at the local or national levels in which they involved over 740 people directly affected by environmental injustice on the local level, and over 1,200 people in total. These activities included the organisation of trainings, workshops, public events and debates, movie screenings and photography exhibitions, street actions and protests as well as booklet and toolkit production. This concretely empowered people from over 15 local frontline communities and allowed them to make their voices better heard and to male their struggles more visible and better known. Together, frontline communities and youth activists reached over 170,000 people in public engagement activities, both physically and online. At the European and international levels, a series of 11 anti-oppressive and intersectionality tools for empowerment were produced and widely disseminated to the network of Young Friends of the Earth Europe, to the community of youth activists in Europe and even beyond. Additionally, five cases studies were also published and disseminated. In total, it is estimated that these educational and communication tools and case studies reached over 25,000 participants.The project created long-lasting relations between the participant groups, the individual participants and local communities impacted by environmental injustices. These links are now strong enough for future cooperation actions. The network of Young Friends of the Earth Europe will continue working with frontline and under-represented communities to fight against local and global environmental injustices, both in current and in future projects.

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 573278-EPP-1-2016-1-NL-EPPKA2-CBY-ACPALA
    Funder Contribution: 149,988 EUR

    This project builds connections among youth workers from 15 European and African environmental and social justice organisations that are part of the Friends of the Earth International (FoEI) federation, for mutual learning, skill sharing, joint campaign planning and cultural exchange, with the aim of building a more diverse and inclusive international environmental youth movement.FoEI and the project partners have a long history of campaigning on today’s most urgent environmental and social issues. Yet, in both Africa and Europe, they face a common challenge in enhancing the engagement of youth of different age, gender, race, and socio-economic background in their work. This project will build on the existing expertise and competences related to youth work leading to creative tools, methods and strategies for strengthening the diversity and inclusivity of youth in the environmental and social justice movement from the national to the global level. The project will build the capacity of youth workers in Cameroon, Togo, South Africa, Nigeria, Uganda, Mozambique, Liberia, Belgium, Ireland, Germany, Norway, Netherlands, Austria, and Croatia, by:- Building the practical skills and leadership of youth workers within environmental and social justice organisations to work more effectively with young environmental advocates;- Fostering cross-regional collaboration and networking between youth workers from environmental and social justice organisations in Europe and Africa; - Developing a methodological framework for youth workers of environmental and social justice organisations to enhance inclusiveness and diversity of youth, with a particular emphasis on gender, class, race, indigenous peoples and human migration.Project activities include a regional project launch meeting, four cross-regional learning workshops, and a mobility exchange program in which a youth worker from one African organisation will be hosted by youth workers from a European organisation and vice-versa for a 10-day joint learning and exchange. Each European partner is paired with an African counterpart working on a similar environmental justice topic, such as coal; monoculture plantations; land grabbing; fracking, forest and climate as to allow youth workers to develop concrete cross-regional campaigns to test the tools and methods for engaging young women and men from different backgrounds more effectively. Throughout the project, participants will document 'best practices' for ensuring inclusivity and diversity of underrepresented youth populations and that are rooted in the realities of today’s young people from Europe and Africa. These ‘best practices’ will be shared with FoEI’s 75 national member groups across all continents and incorporated in the planning templates of environmental and social justice organisations at national, regional and international level. This in turn will contribute to building a more inclusive and diverse global environmental youth movement.


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